Sowing strawberries »Instructions

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Harvest seeds on your own

Although their name suggests otherwise, strawberries are one of them Common nuts. This fact implies that there is an abundant amount of seeds immediately on the fruit husk. By dividing a ripe strawberry, letting it dry with the cut on kitchen paper, you harvest Seeds in abundance. From a botanical point of view, the tiny yellow nuts are the actual fruits.

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The seeds are stored dry, cool and dark because they are light germs.

Instructions for sowing indoors

The ideal period for sowing strawberry seeds is from late February to early March. In these steps you carry out the sowing:

  • Soak the seeds in water at room temperature for a few hours
  • fill a large seed tray with commercially available Sowing soil, Peat sand or coconut fiber
  • Sow the seeds and sift them minimally with substrate, sand or vermiculite
  • Moisten with a fine shower and place in the greenhouse
  • alternatively, cover with a transparent film or a pane of glass
  • store in a partially shaded place at 18 degrees germination temperature

The time to germination is between 2 and 6 weeks, depending on the Strawberry variety. If the two germ layers present themselves, the cover is aired daily. The seeds must not dry out during this phase and should have as bright light as possible.

Skillful pricking with sensitivity

Loving care allows the strawberry seedlings to grow quickly. Within a short time there is crowded tightness within the small community. High time to put the strongest specimens in their own pots prick out. Ideally, you use special piquing earth for this, which is filled a few centimeters into the pot. You create a hollow in it.

With a good dose of instinct, each seedling is lifted out of the seed tray with the help of the prick stick in order to move into its new location. Only insert the young plant so deep that the heart bud is above the substrate.

Tips & Tricks

Soak the seeds in chamomile tea, this measure promotes the resistance of strawberry plants Fungal diseases. Put the seeds and tea in a thermos to keep the temperature at the desired lukewarm level.