Load capacity of balconies: how much load can it withstand?

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Load balcony - title

table of contents

  • Balcony constructions
  • Requirements
  • material
  • Bigger loads
  • Liability
  • Control of the balcony
  • frequently asked Questions

Balconies are particularly popular with rental apartments because they are often the only way to be outside, to eat, to relax or to celebrate parties. However, balconies cannot withstand unlimited loads.

In a nutshell

  • Building material mostly wood, concrete or metal
  • Constructions can be free-floating or supported
  • Load limits are reached quickly at certain points
  • Material ages, load capacity decreases
  • regular control of the condition is important

Balcony constructions

There are several ways in which balconies are built and how they withstand stress.

Balcony with flower boxes
Integrated balcony during construction
  • Unsupported: The balconies are not connected to the house. The main load is therefore on the supports of the balcony. Wooden balconies are often built subsequently.
  • Partly self-supporting: The balcony is connected to the facade, for example by special suspensions, but it also has supports. The load capacity is thus also determined by the condition of the facade or wall.
  • Integrated: The balconies are already taken into account when planning the new building. It is much easier to plan and ensure an appropriate load capacity in advance.


The legal requirements do not differentiate according to construction or material. The same applies to all variants: The balcony construction must be able to carry between 300 and 400 kg per square meterwithout giving in. In the planning, however, certain securities are also included, so that it is extremely rare for balconies to collapse. When such a disaster happens, it is often because the constructions are outdated.


The material plays a major role in resilience. wood is a natural raw material, but it does not withstand high loads as well as reinforced concrete or metal. In addition, wooden beams react more strongly to the weather. Moisture penetrating unnoticed is particularly dangerous. Wooden constructions therefore have to be replaced more often than balconies made of other materials.

Bigger loads

The average family who eats breakfast on their balcony has no influence on their resilience. The weight is distributed over a larger area. The situation is different if you set up a paddling pool or sandpit for the children. At a height of 10 cm and an area of ​​one square meter, water already weighs 100 kg. Wet sand can also be extremely heavy.

Balcony plants in autumn


In principle, the house owner is responsible for ensuring that the balconies can withstand loads. However, the tenant of an apartment has an obligation to cooperate. If he notices any changes to his balcony, he must inform the landlord of this. The following applies to homeowners: Depending on whether the balcony was taken into account in the planning of the house or was built later, structural engineers and architects are also liable. The house builder must be able to rely on the fact that he has been given the correct specifications and plans.

Note: If a balcony falls due to a material defect, the supplier or Manufacturer of the building material responsible.

Control of the balcony

Larger damage can be noticed more quickly. It is important to also pay attention to the minor damage. In reinforced concrete, there may be the first small cracks. Rust shows up on metal structures. Wood can rot or be attacked by pests. This can be recognized by the small heaps of sawdust that collect under the balcony structure or small holes in the beams or Boards.

Note: Balconies can withstand stress longer if they are well cared for. You can easily replace rust inhibitors for metal or wood protection paints yourself.

frequently asked Questions

What should you watch out for with the balcony railing?

This also has a certain load limit, which is specified horizontally per meter and is around 50 kg. People are no longer allowed to lean against the railing, otherwise it could break.

When is caution necessary?

It is difficult for laypeople to determine when the load-bearing capacity of the balcony has been reached. Wooden balconies can sag before they fall completely. At the latest, if there are unusual noises in the construction, a closer look must be taken.

What should you watch out for at parties?

If possible, the load should be distributed over the entire surface. Heavy objects can also play a role at parties. For example water basins or stacked beverage crates.

What can be stored on the balcony?

Basically everything that is not too heavy, such as ordinary garden furniture or a grill. The situation is different as soon as something is stacked on top of each other on a small area. These include crates of drinks or firewood.

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