When is harvest time?

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Chinese cabbage is harvested in autumn

The main harvest time for Chinese cabbage is October and November. In rare cases it is possible to strike in September. Since Chinese cabbage can withstand frost of up to -6 degrees, it can also be harvested in December. However, it should not be picked in frosty weather.

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Exact harvest time

The harvest of Chinese cabbage takes place 80 to 90 days after the sowing. Chinese cabbage is sown in July; an earlier one sowing would lead to the Chinese cabbage blooms and so the cabbage has fewer nutrients and flavors. The leaves should be tightly closed when harvested and no blossoms should be visible yet.

How to harvest Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is cut just above the ground with a sharp knife. You can u. U. remove, e.g. B. if they are very dirty or tough. If you let the roots stand, you can look forward to a post-harvest if the first harvest is early, because Chinese cabbage will sprout again. To do this, it is important that the root remains intact and that you continue to water your Chinese cabbage when it is dry.

Store Chinese cabbage

Do you want the Chinese cabbage for a long time? to store, you can dig it up and its roots:

  1. Thoroughly clean the soil and insects from the Chinese cabbage and wrap all of the Chinese cabbage in newspaper.
  2. Wash your Chinese cabbage just before you eat it! Otherwise, the wetness will cause it to rot.
  3. Place the cabbage loosely in wooden boxes in the pantry or basement.


Alternatively, you can freeze the Chinese cabbage or store it in the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.