Checkerboard Flower »Propagation by seeds

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Harvest seeds

You can get the seeds of the attractive early bloomer in every well-stocked garden center. Alternatively, you can harvest these yourself. Let the flower heads fully ripen and then carefully remove them.

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Sowing time

The optimal time for the sowing lies between August and February. Depending on the time of sowing, the small plants are further cared for in the room after germination and only moved outside in the next autumn.

Stratification of the cold germ

The checkerboard flower is a cold germ, so the seeds must first be stratified. This means that the seeds must be exposed to cold stimuli before germination.

Follow these steps:

  • Fill a plastic bag with some damp sand.
  • Put the seeds in the bag and mix well.
  • Leave in a warm place for a few days.
  • Do not close the bag completely to prevent mold growth.
  • Then put the bag in the refrigerator for four to six weeks.
  • Never put seeds in the freezer, it is too cold here.


Since the fine roots of the seedlings are still very sensitive, it is advisable to use special Potting soil to use. Fill the seed trays with the substrate and spread the sand-seed mixture flat on the earth. Since the Chess flower For both a light and a dark germinator, it is sufficient to cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil.
Then water well with a sprayer. Cover the seed trays with a hood or a clear plastic bag to create a greenhouse climate. Do not forget to ventilate daily to prevent mold growth.

After sowing

Place the bowls in a bright, but not full sun, place where temperatures are around twenty degrees.

Make sure that the seeds do not dry out. If necessary, carefully water the small chess flowers with a sprayer, but avoid waterlogging, which promotes rot.

Prick out

As soon as the small plants are about ten centimeters tall, they are separated. Keep looking after the small chess flowers in a sheltered place on the balcony or terrace until early autumn. Only then are the offspring put into the bed transplanted.


Checkerboard flowers can also be made with bulbs multiply. Carefully dig up an onion after the plants have drawn in the foliage. You can now separate the tiny daughter onions from the mother onion and put them back in another place.

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