This is how the vegetables last the longest

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Cucumbers can only be kept for a few days in the refrigerator

Store a cucumber in the refrigerator for a maximum of four days. If it stays in it for a long time, it will quickly become blotchy and / or yellow from the cold. It also takes on a mushy consistency. This is because cucumbers are more than 90 percent water - as soon as temperatures drop below four degrees Celsius, the green vegetables freeze; when it thaws it becomes soft and inedible.

also read

  • What are cucumbers - fruits or vegetables?
  • Peel the cucumber properly
  • Store spinach - this is how you keep the green vegetables fresh

How long do cucumbers keep in which storage?

There are several places where you can store cucumbers:

  • kitchen
  • Pantry
  • basement, cellar
  • refrigerator

Store cucumbers "open" in the kitchen

If you want to eat the cucumber on the day of purchase, it is advisable to simply place the vegetables on the counter in the kitchen until they are ready to use. If so, store the cucumber in a perforated plastic bag.

Shelf life: a few hours / a day

Pantry or cellar as ideal places

The pantry and cellar are the best places to store cucumbers, as these rooms are usually between 10 and 13 degrees Celsius and dark. These are the perfect conditions for pickles.

Shelf life: two to three weeks

Prefer the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator

If you have neither a pantry nor a cellar room, the cucumber is best kept in the refrigerator if it is not eaten on the same day. If possible, put the cucumber in the vegetable drawer, where it is a little less cold.

Shelf life: seven to ten days

Basic tips for storing cucumbers

  • Do not store your fresh cucumbers with ripe apples and pears, melons or tomatoes. As they ripen, these types of fruit and vegetables form ethylene, a gas that accelerates the ripening process of the cucumbers and quickly spoils them - in the truest sense of the word.
  • Avoid freezing cucumbers. To store the green vegetables for a longer period of time, you should simply turn a salad into a pickled cucumber that you can then easily store in the refrigerator - for several Months.
  • Cucumber lovers disagree as to whether cucumbers sold in foil should be unpacked afterwards or not. In fact, both variants are justified: If no moisture is visible between the cucumber and the film, the latter remains - it protects the cucumber from moisture loss. However, if you discover damp spots between the vegetables and the foil, the risk of mold is high, so it is better to remove the foil.

Keep the cucumber after cutting

Here are short step-by-step instructions for storing a cut cucumber:

  1. Wash the cucumber thoroughly BEFORE cutting.
  2. Carefully rub the cucumber dry with kitchen paper.
  3. Cut off the desired piece of cucumber.
  4. Wrap the remaining cucumber in cling film.


Alternatively, you can also put the vegetables in a plastic can. The main thing is that it is protected from air and moisture.

  1. Put the packaged cucumber in the refrigerator and eat it within a few days.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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