What can it be used for?

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Dried comfrey for making manure

Making is common among gardeners Manure with the help of dried or fresh comfrey leaves. This liquid manure serves as fertilizer and strengthens the garden plants enormously. That's how it's done:

  • Pour water over the dried and chopped leaves, e.g. B. in a bucket
  • leave it outside
  • stir daily
  • Liquid manure is ready when it stops foaming and there is a fermented smell

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  • Comfrey manure - effective fertilizer from nature
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Dried comfrey for wound healing

Comfrey has long been known to be anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, analgesic, blood circulation-enhancing and wound healing works. If you have wounds that do not heal well, sprains, bruises or other problems with the musculoskeletal system, use the power of comfrey.

Make an ointment from comfrey

Ideally, the ointment should be made from the dried root pieces. Shea butter, for example, can serve as a fatty base for the ointment. The dried root pieces are ground into powder. The fine powder is added to the fatty base and the whole is stirred (if necessary) heat briefly beforehand). Now the ointment is ready to use.

Use comfrey envelopes

You can also Envelopes make with dried comfrey leaves. Take the dry comfrey leaves and mix them with a little water in a food processor to a pulp. Put this pulp on a cotton cloth.

Alternatively, you can pour hot water onto the dried leaves or pieces of root and soak the cotton cloths with this infusion. The envelope should be allowed to act for 1 to 2 hours in the respective area.

Dried comfrey root for dental care

It may sound like a stretch, but comfrey used as a mouthwash has been proven to help remineralize teeth. For this purpose, the dried root or Pour hot water over the roots. The whole thing is left to stand for 10 minutes. Then let it cool down and use it as a mouthwash every day.

Tips & Tricks

Most of the active ingredients are found in the root. Therefore, if possible, you should prefer them to use. When using comfrey, keep in mind that it should not be used internally as it does Toxins contains.