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Freeze, not just a stopgap

A ripe avocado quickly becomes mushy and can soon no longer be eaten. Anyone who cannot use them at the optimal time of ripening has a good solution at hand with freezing.

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  • Avocado - Does the tropical fruit count as a fruit or vegetable?
  • From mild to nutty: an overview of avocado types
  • Peel the avocado - this frees the soft pulp

The reverse is also conceivable: you need a ripe avocado unplanned and on the same day. But even with the best tricks, the purchased copy cannot be made ready to eat so quickly. So it's good to have a reserve in the chest.

The frost-ready state

An avocado should ripen before it is frozen. To do this, the still hard avocado is wrapped in newspaper and stored at room temperature. It is even faster if you put the fruit and an apple in a paper bag.

Post-ripening can take a few days. In between, unwind the escape to do the pressure test. If the shell gives way slightly, the inside is optimal. Now the avocado has to be consumed quickly or frozen.

Freeze the avocado halves

An avocado fruit could theoretically be frozen as a whole. Only later handling makes it necessary to cut open the fruit and remove the core. This is easier to do with a fresh fruit than with a frozen one.

  1. Use a sharp knife to pierce the avocado so deep that you get to the core.
  2. Now cut into the fruit lengthways all around.
  3. Grasp the avocado in your hands and twist the two halves apart.
  4. Remove the core with a spoon.
  5. Drizzle the cut surfaces with a little lemon juice to prevent the pulp from turning brown.
  6. Wrap each half of the avocado in plastic wrap and place it in the freezer. For health reasons, aluminum foil should not be used in combination with citric acid.
  7. Once the halves are completely frozen, you can put them in a freezer bag that you close tightly and label accordingly.


You can grow a plant from an avocado seed. No fruit will hang on it in this country, but it will always be a beautiful sight.

Freeze avocado puree

Pureing an avocado is usually the first step in its preparation. In this state it is used in guacamoles or is a healthy part of a smoothie. If you know for sure that you will need the avocado in a pureed form later, you can do this step before freezing it.

  1. Cut the avocado in half and remove the stone.
  2. Take out the pulp with a spoon and put it in a blender.
  3. Add a few dashes of lemon juice to keep the green color.
  4. Puree the pulp until it has the desired consistency.
  5. Pour the avocado puree into suitable freezer containers, which you label immediately and place in the freezer. If you pre-freeze the puree in ice cube trays, you get small and easily removable portions.


As an alternative to mixing, you can also mash the avocado pulp with a fork.

Shelf life and thawing

Frozen avocado halves can be kept in the freezer for around eight months. They are thawed at room temperature for one hour before consumption.

Avocado puree can be frozen for six months. It should be thawed gently in the refrigerator, which can take up to 12 hours, depending on the portion size.

Conclusion for quick readers:

  • Degree of ripeness: Let the avocado ripen at room temperature, then freeze
  • Half fruit: cut the avocado in half; Remove core; Drizzle the cut surfaces with lemon juice
  • Freezing: First pre-freeze in cling film, then place in the freezer container
  • Avocado puree: scoop out the pulp; Puree with a little lemon juice in a blender
  • Alternatively: mash the pulp with a fork
  • Freezing: Fill into suitable containers, label; put in the chest immediately
  • Tip: Pre-freeze in the ice cube tray; makes small, easily removable portions
  • Shelf life: Avocado halves: 8 months; Avocado puree: 6 months
  • Thaw the avocado half: 1 hour at room temperature
  • Thaw avocado puree: Gently in the refrigerator; depending on the portion size in about 12 hours

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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