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Can you eat the fruits of the rubber tree?

The fruits of the rubber tree are not suitable for eating, because the rubber tree is one of them slightly poisonous Plants. The rubber tree is related to the fig, so its fruits look similar, but are only very small. All parts of the rubber tree are also suitable for pets poisonous. So make sure that the tree is not nibbled on.

also read

  • Can I hydroponic my rubber tree?
  • Is my rubber tree poisonous?
  • Help, my rubber tree has brown leaves!

What is the attraction of the rubber tree?

The rubber tree is considered relative easy-careThat is why it is also often set up in offices or waiting rooms in various practices. He doesn't mind if he's not on the weekend poured because it requires little water. Fertilize you shouldn't do it too often, about every four to six weeks.

The glossy leaves of the rubber tree are particularly decorative. Mostly they are dark green, but there are also sorts with bright or multicolored leaves. In order for these to actually shine nicely, however, your rubber tree needs

lots of light. If it is too dark, too cold or in a draft, then it could shed its leaves.

Can I propagate my rubber tree myself?

While you can't take seeds from your rubber tree to propagate, you can buy seeds or Cuttings set. Both methods require a little patience. the sowing brings you a relatively large number of young rubber trees at once. With Mossing or by cuttings you get individual, but larger young plants.

The essentials in brief:

  • inconspicuous flowers
  • small inedible fruits
  • germinable seeds only when fertilized by the fig wasp
  • toxic to humans and animals


Since the rubber tree is poisonous, prevent small children and pets from eating the fruit or other parts of the plant.

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