Is it still possible to save a dried passion flower?

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What to do if the passion flower dried up?

If the passion flower has dried up, you should water it quickly to save withered leaves. If the plant is very woody, cut it back to healthy leaves and change the location if necessary. Regular watering and suitable soil conditions prevent drying out.

Why has the passion flower dried up?

Passion flowers have lush foliage. Their roots are relatively weak. So the plants react sensitive to drought and waterlogging. Regular and adapted watering behavior is therefore crucial for good and healthy growth. If the plant is not supplied with enough water, it loses its flowers and its leaves become yellow, wither and dry up. To check that the soil is moist and not too wet, simply poke a finger into the soil about an inch deep.

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How can you still save a dried passion flower?

Whether and how the plant can still be saved naturally depends on how dried up it is. If only a few leaves are wilted, you should act fast and pour. In most cases, the plant will recover within a very short time. But make sure that no waterlogging forms and the roots could rot.

If a large part of the plant has dried up, there are not many options. You must cut the plant down to the healthy leaves cut back and water sufficiently.

Why did the passion flower dry up despite having enough water?

Another possibility as to why the leaves could have dried up is that the plant too sunny, too windy or too cold was standing. The plant then does not manage to transport sufficient water to the leaves quickly enough. As a result, the passion flower leaves its leaves hanging and dried up. Check the floor. If this is damp and the leaves are still dry, the location is unsuitable. You should then move your passion flower to a place that is protected from the strong midday sun, wind and cold.

How to prevent passion flower from drying out?

To ensure that the passion flower does not dry out at all, you can take the following measures in advance:

  • Provide one regular and sufficient water supply.
  • Mix in the potting soil clay granules. This stores water and gives it to the plant as soon as it needs it.
  • To prevent drought, install one tailored to the plant irrigation system.(€119.00 at Amazon*)
  • Choose a sunny location where your plant is protected from drying out.
  • hibernate your plant in a frost-free but bright spot.


Use rainwater for watering

Most passion flower species are sensitive to hard water. If the degree of hardness of your tap water is high, it is better to water with rainwater. In this way you give your plant important nutrients at the same time and it is optimally supplied. You can find out how hard your tap water is from your waterworks on request.