Harlequin willow infested by pests

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Common pests

  • the willow leaf beetle
  • rust
  • Willow Anthracnose

The willow leaf beetle

The willow leaf beetle leaves heavy traces of feeding on the pasture. If the infestation is pronounced, it will even eat all of the foliage, so that the tree will eventually bare. You can also see its orange eggs that it lays on the leaves.
When it comes to treatment, prevention is the best medicine. Check the ornamental willow regularly to spot the pest at an early stage and prevent the worst. Fungicides help with advanced infestation, but you should still use natural means. You can trust nature completely, because birds like to eat the beetle from the leaves.
Once the willow leaf beetle damages the appearance of the tree, the harlequin willow usually recovers from the infestation after some time.

also read

  • Recognize and treat diseases at the harlequin pasture
  • Detect and treat diseases and pests in good time
  • Treat and prevent brown leaves on the harlequin pasture

Fungal attack

Rust and willow anthracnose are two types of fungus. You can recognize the pests by the fact that the shoots, branches and leaves of the harlequin willow turn brown or black. The diseases can be treated similarly to the willow leaf beetle with fungicides and the prevention of an outbreak. Diseased branches must be completely removed.

Important tips

  • Never dispose of the cut branches on the compost.
  • First check the willow for care errors such as watering, Fertilize, Cut and location.
  • Use chemical agents only in an extreme emergency.