Four methods briefly presented

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Method 1: sowing

You can use the seeds of the loquat to propagate the plant. However, this procedure is time-consuming. This will be done in the mature Fruits The seeds contained are removed and the pulp is removed and cleaned. The best time to do this is between November and early December.

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  • Which location does the medlar prefer?
  • The harvest time of the medlar
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the Seeds can be planted directly in the field will. You can also sow the seeds in pots or boxes on the balcony or, after stratification, sow them in warm living spaces in damp sand or peat in spring. The seeds need a cold period to germinate. They remain viable for a maximum of 20 months and should be used within this period.

But watch out: it can take up to two years for the seeds to germinate. In addition, it takes a long time for the plants obtained from them to produce their first fruits. For these reasons, it is less advisable to propagate the medlar from its seeds.

Method 2: cuttings

Propagation via cuttings is easier and faster than that

sowing. But it carries a risk. Since the medlar does not tolerate a cut, the cuttings should be taken sparingly.

That's how it's done:

  • Ideally, take no more than 3 cuttings from a healthy and older mother plant
  • Use annual, 15 cm long shoots
  • Free the shoots from the lowest leaves
  • Put shoots in glass with water or directly in the ground
  • Keep the soil evenly moist
  • Plant out in spring

Method 3 and 4: root cuttings and grafting

Furthermore, the medlar can be propagated using root cuttings. These can be taken all year round on frost-free days. Cultivated forms are usually propagated through grafting. It has been shown that the medlar bears the best fruit in terms of taste when it has been refined on a pear. It can also be refined on quince or hawthorn.

Tips & Tricks

Young medlars should be provided with winter protection for the first two years after they have been released outdoors. They are only good in their third year of standing hardy .