Chilis: All about the vegetables in the garden

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The Peter Pepper is definitely an eye-catcher, as it is reminiscent of a certain part of the male body. How do the..

The hot chili comes from hot regions, but can also be grown here. We give tips about planting,..

Choosing the right chilli plant and variety needs careful consideration. We provide helpful tips to help you when buying...

The fiery chili can also be grown here. Here you can find out everything you need to know about the location, time and procedure for the..

Even if the fiery chili prefers it warm, it can survive our domestic winters. We show how to make chillies..

In order to get the right level of spiciness, you have to be very careful when harvesting chillies. We show how to make chillies..

There are several ways to preserve the spiciness of chilies. We show how to prepare chillies by pickling, freezing and..

The chili tree is a very special type of chili and a real eye-catcher. Here you will learn how to plant tree chillies properly and..

Chilies owe their sharpness to proper care. We will explain to you when, how and with what the fiery chillies are best..

Caution hot! If you like it fiery, you can't avoid growing chillies. How to get your chillies really hot