This is how the reproduction succeeds

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Properly cut off side rungs - How to do it right

If a bromeliad has faded, several offshoots can be easily recognized at its base. These side shoots are Kindel that already have all the attributes of their mother plant. If the division occurs prematurely, the young plants have no chance of survival, even with the best care. This is how you do it in an exemplary manner:

  • Cut off side shoots earliest with a size of 8 to 10 cm
  • Ideally, a complete rosette of leaves has formed on the child

also read

  • Divide orchids correctly for propagation - this is how it works
  • How do I properly care for a bromeliad? - Answers to common questions
  • How to properly water a bromeliad

Please use a sharp, disinfected knife to make the division. The wilted mother plant has now done its job and can be disposed of.

Potting and caring for offshoots - this is how it works

For each child, fill a nursery pot with a poor, lime-free substrate, such as cactus or prickly potting soil. A pottery shard above the water drain prevents waterlogging. Plant a young bromeliad in the center of the pot so that the soil reaches to the lower leaves. Press the substrate and pour soft water into the

funnel.(€ 4.58 at Amazon *) How to proceed:

  • Put the seed pot in a greenhouse or put a plastic bag over it
  • Water regularly at 25 to 30 degrees Celsius in the partially shaded location
  • Ventilate the greenhouse or cover daily

If a fresh shoot signals that the rooting is successful, the cover can be removed and the temperature can be reduced to normal room temperature. Experience has shown that the cultivation of the Kindel flows into the normal after 3 to 4 months Maintenance program for an adult bromeliad.


You cannot divide a pineapple plant only vertically by separating the side shoots. Furthermore, you have the option of a horizontal division by cutting off the leaves on the ripe fruit. The lower leaves and the remaining pulp are removed from around the stalk. Then pot the stalk in lean substrate to allow it to take root at 25 to 30 degrees Celsius and 80 percent humidity.