Gardening in March: all tasks at a glance

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In March, when the garden suddenly begins to bloom, gardening really starts again. You can find out which tasks are waiting for us in the garden in March in our overview.

Blooming march cups
When the first spring cups bloom, spring is not far away [Photo: Rejdan /]

In March it will be official: Spring has begun and the garden is slowly waking up from its hibernation. However, this not only means that we can look forward to numerous spring bloomers, but also that the garden must now be carefully prepared for the coming gardening year. We'll show you what gardening March brings with it.


  • The vegetable garden in March
    • What can you sow in March?
    • What to plant in March
    • Seasonal vegetables in March
    • Further work in the vegetable garden
  • The ornamental garden in March
    • What blooms in March
    • What flowers can you plant in March?
    • More garden work in the ornamental garden
  • The orchard in March
  • The lawn in March
  • Support garden animals and insects in March
  • The balcony garden in March
  • Properly care for indoor plants in March

The vegetable garden in March

During the winter the vegetable patch is often only sparsely overgrown - this changes suddenly in March: Numerous types of vegetables are now in the starting blocks, eagerly waiting to be sown or planted will. We have summarized for you here which work in the vegetable garden you should not miss in March.

What can you sow in March?

While only a few plants could be sown in January and February, March brings with it a whole series of plants that now want to start their lives. Warmth-loving plants like tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) can be wonderfully dressed on the windowsill this month. More robust vegetables like parsnips (Pastinacasativa), Carrots (Daucus carota) and spring onions (Allium fistulosum), on the other hand, can easily be sown straight into bed in March.

Peas are sown in a bed
You can also sow peas as early as March [Photo: Dean Clarke /]

What can you sow in March?

Sowing on the windowsill: Andean berries, artichoke, aubergine, broccoli, tiger almond, fennel, kohlrabi, melon, bell pepper, romanesco, beetroot, lettuce, celery, tomatoes

Sowing directly into the bed: Broad beans, cauliflower, peas, oat root, carrots, head cabbage, spring onions, parsnips, poree, radishes, lettuce, black salsify, spinach, savoy cabbage, onion

Tip: To ensure that your plants are ideally cared for, you should sow them on high-quality soil - such as the Plantura organic herb & seed compost - set. This not only provides the young plants with all the nutrients they need for healthy growth, but is also peat-free and therefore particularly climate-friendly.

What to plant in March

Gardening in March does not only include sowing new plants: Those who have already been busy in January and February can fill their beds with previously grown plants in March. Young lettuce plants, but also preferred cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) and radish (Raphanus sativus) enjoy a place outdoors in mild weather or under a protective fleece or foil tunnel. In particularly mild locations, the first new potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are placed in the bed.

What to plant in March

In the bed: Cauliflower, broccoli, new potatoes, kohlrabi, radish, red cabbage, lettuce, celery, chives, savoy cabbage, pak choi

young pak choi plants in the bed
Pak Choi can also be sown as baby leaf for harvest at the end of March [Photo: Tofudevil /]

Seasonal vegetables in March

Not only sowing new plants is on the plan in March. The month is also the right time to harvest the last winter vegetables in the garden. But the first plantings from this year are already showing their fruits - especially the fast-growing radish (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) can be harvested from the greenhouse as early as the beginning of March to mid-March.

Which vegetables can be harvested in March?

In the bed: Chicory, lamb's lettuce, parsnips, leek, spinach

In the greenhouse: Radishes, celery bulbs

Even if you don't have your own garden, it is still worth buying seasonal fruit and vegetables - for the sake of the environment. You can find out which fruit and vegetables are in season and when in our large Seasonal calendar.

Lamb's lettuce plants with frost
Lamb's lettuce is still on the field from the autumn sowing [Photo: theapflueger /]

Further work in the vegetable garden

In addition to sowing and harvesting vegetables in March, there are also numerous other tasks to be done in the kitchen garden. We have summarized the most important ones for you here.

Cutting herbs: Perennial herbs such as thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and mountain savory (Satureja montana) need regular grooming. When gardening in March, the aromatic herbs are shortened by around a third with secateurs to encourage the rich branching.

Plan the garden year: The garden year really starts in March. If you want to get the most out of your kitchen garden, you should therefore sit down at the beginning of March and draw up a planting plan. Here you can determine exactly which plants should be planted when, where and in which order - this way you can Make optimal use of the positive effects of neighboring plants and, at the same time, the spread of diseases and the leaching of the soil prevent.

Prepare beds: In order for the new residents to feel at home in the garden, it is particularly important in March to have enough beds to prepare: Loosen the soil well and then work compost and horn shavings into the substrate. This means that the soil is optimally prepared for the new plants to move in.

Garden bed is dug up
Preparation is essential for a bountiful vegetable harvest [Photo: Monkey Business Images /]

The ornamental garden in March

The ornamental garden in March is a particularly beautiful sight: Numerous early bloomers suddenly emerge from the ground and enchant the bed with their bright colors. Unfortunately, in March you should not only enjoy the splendor of flowers, but also your ornamental garden for the new gardening season Prepare: In the garden month of March, new flowers are planted, there is a lot of sowing, and also one or the other bush trimmed.

What blooms in March

In March, early bloomers and signs of spring have their purest bloom time. Classical ones now appear in large numbers Early bloomer like crocus (Crocus), Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) or daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus). Even the pansy (viola x wittrockiana) is one of the flowers that bloom in March. The first also show up early flowering shrubs like the spring spears (Spiraea thunbergii) or the gingerbread tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) in their bloom.

Crocuses and daffodils
Early bloomers like daffodils and crocuses light up March [Photo: Poly Liss /]

What flowers bloom in March

Flowers and perennials: Christmas rose, daisy, gold star, pasque flower, crocus, lark's spur, dandelion, fairytale mug, march violet, daffodil, primrose, snowdrop, cowslip, pansy, winterling, etc.

Shrubs and trees: Spring spear, hazel, gingerbread tree, ornamental Oregon grape, snow forsythia, star magnolia, winter jasmine, winter Oregon grape, etc.

What flowers can you plant in March?

If you want to look forward to an ornamental garden in bloom in summer too, you shouldn't rest in March: So, too If there are colorful blossoms to admire in the next few months, you should use the time to plant flowers in March. Annuals such as the garden foxtail (Amaranthus caudatus) or baby's breath (Gypsophila) can now be brought out on the windowsill. Other flowers like marigolds (Calendula officinalis) and cornflowers (Centaurea cyanus) can even be sown in the bed in March. Also driven tulips (Tulipa gesneriana) can be planted outdoors in March.

Tulips are planted
Planting tulips in March is still possible [Photo: Cornelia Pithart /]

What flowers do you plant in March?

Sowing on the windowsill: Begonias, garden foxtail, carnations, bell vines, hardworking lizards, snapdragons, sunflowers, gypsophila, marigolds

Sowing in the bed: Sweet pea, corn poppy, cornflower

Plants in the bed: Tulips

More garden work in the ornamental garden

Of course, not only sowing flowers in March is on the agenda. Now is also the perfect time to plant ornamental trees and to fertilize the beds for the first time. Here we have once again summarized all the important work for the month of March for you.

Caring for and fertilizing roses: Frequently blooming roses (pink) should be cut back vigorously in March so that they have lush flowers in summer. After you've cut the roses, it's a good idea to reward them with a mixture of horn meal and compost to help them grow. In addition, if roses were piled up in winter, they should be exposed again in March.

Caring for hydrangeas: So that hydrangeas show their splendid flowers again this year, you should do something good for them in March. Some hydrangea species benefit from pruning in spring. In addition, you should treat the hydrangeas between March and May with a high-quality, primarily organic slow-release fertilizer, such as ours Plantura organic hydrangea fertilizer, to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients.

Prepare the garden pond: In March it will be time to bring the garden pond back into shape. This includes removing protective nets and removing foliage. In addition, the bank vegetation should now be cut back generously.

Share autumn flowering perennials: Autumn flowering perennials like the asters (aster), Autumn chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum indicum-Hybrids) and cranesbill (Geranium-Hybrids) are best split in March. After the plants have been carefully dug up, the root ball is carefully divided up with a spade or knife. The individual parts are then planted in their new place.

Tip: Combine the division with the fertilization of the perennials by working compost or an organic slow release fertilizer into the planting hole.

Check boxwood: The first overwintered caterpillars of the box tree moth get to work in March. So start now with checking your boxwood plants and check whether you still have traps for the moth in the house. If you discover free-eating caterpillars in the Bux, then the biological one is Plantura borer-free XenTari® Quick action required in order to achieve the best possible effect.

Box with moth caterpillar
Box trees should be checked regularly for pests [Photo: Marinodenisenko /]

The orchard in March

While the orchard brought work mainly through the pruning in winter, in March it will gradually be time to lean back in joyful anticipation of the flowering. Only the planting of new fruit trees in the garden is now particularly cheap in March.

Planting fruit trees: For berry bushes such as blackberries (Rubus), Raspberries (Rubus idaeus), and currants (Ribes) March is exactly the right time to plant. But also fruit trees such as apricot (Prunus armeniaca), Apple (Malus) or pear (Pyrus) can move into the orchard in March.

Rhubarb: When planting, the plant is happy to receive a portion of primarily organic fertilizer such as ours Plantura organic tomato fertilizer. Manure and compost also help the plant get off to a good start into the new season.

Get strawberries ready to go: Strawberries must be carefully tended in March so that they will bear plenty of sweet fruit in summer. This includes, if not already carried out in autumn, removing offshoots and runners or to replant, weed, spread fresh manure or compost and possibly a layer of mulch to spread.

Strawberry plants in the field
Strawberries have to be tended in March [Photo: VH-studio /]

The lawn in March

If the lawn hardly had to be taken into account in winter, the time for the first maintenance has come in March. Taking care of the Lawn after winter is essential if you want to look forward to healthy, green grassy areas in the current year.

Fertilize the lawn: Now is the time for the first lawn fertilization, ideally with a primarily organic lawn fertilizer like ours Plantura organic lawn fertilizer, as this not only has a long-term effect, but is also harmless for gardeners and pets.

Determine pH value: It is advisable to determine the pH of the soil in March. If the pH value is too low, it can lead to heavy moss infestation and the increased occurrence of various weeds in the lawn, while the vitality of the grass decreases. If the acid content is too high, it can Liming the lawn be sensible, as this can bring the pH value of the soil back to an ideal concentration.

Mowing and scarifying the lawn: In March it will finally be time to get the lawn in shape again. When mowing for the first time, however, it is advisable to keep the lawn one to two centimeters higher than usual so as not to suddenly shorten blades of grass too much and thus reduce the risk of sunburn raise. Do you want that Scarify the lawn, is now also the right time for this.

Lawn mower on meadow
The lawn will be brought back into shape in March [Photo: topseller /]

Support garden animals and insects in March

In March, many animals already feel the first spring fever. Blackbirds their territorial fights begin, while common toads make their way to their spawning waters on mild nights. The first wild bees and other insects are now leaving their winter quarters and looking for food and nesting sites.

How to support garden animals in March:

  • Plant more early bloomers as a food source for insects.
  • Insect hotel and Bumblebee nest box invest.
  • Drive carefully on warm nights and help common toads across the road. At speeds of over 30 km / h, amphibians die from the pressure wave in front of the car, even if they are not run over directly.

The balcony garden in March

A new season also begins in March for balcony gardeners. Many balcony plants need special attention in March so that they can show themselves in their full glory in summer. There are also numerous balcony flowers that provide bright accents in March.

Flowers for the balcony in March: In March, numerous blooming flowers provide admiring glances again. The colorful flowers of the rose primrose are particularly impressive (Primula vanilla), Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) and pansy (viola x wittrockiana). So that the balcony is also a feast for the eyes in early summer, you should not miss the sowing of new residents in March: some balcony flowers such as the magic bell (Calibrachoa) have to be sown in March so that they bloom in May.

Pansies on the balcony
Pansies bloom as early as March [Photo: Lapa Smile /]

What flowers can be planted on the balcony in March?

Blooming in March: Goat clover, daffodils, rose primrose, pansy

Prefer in March: Flower pipe, dahlia, gladiolus, Canary nasturtium, morning glory, magic bells

Pruning geraniums: Geraniums that have spent the cold winter in a cool, bright room can slowly be prepared for their return to the balcony in March. To do this, the leafless shoots of the plant are cut back to two to four eyes. The flower is then repotted and placed in a bright window seat until it can take its place on the balcony in frost-free weather.

Harden potted plants: Potted plants that have overwintered in the house should be slowly accustomed to their old place again at the beginning of March. On frost-free days, they can stand in a shady, sheltered place outdoors during the day. Gradually, you can expose the plants to sunlight for longer so that they can acclimate slowly without getting sunburn.

Potted plants on the balcony
Potted plants have to slowly get used to sunlight [Photo: Ania K /]

Properly care for indoor plants in March

Indoor plants are an absolute must for most people and contribute significantly to the feel-good climate in the house. It is so that the beautiful houseplants can continue to present themselves in their full glory Especially at the start of the growing season in March, it is important to give your plants sufficient attention allow.

Fertilize indoor plants: The start of the growing season in March not only means that the indoor plants are slowly starting to grow again, but also that the green roommates need more nutrients. For this reason, it is particularly important to fertilize the plants in March: a good plant fertilizer, like that Plantura organic indoor & green plant fertilizer, supplies the plant with all important nutrients.

Clean leaves: House plants with large leaves, such as window leaf (Monstera deliciosa) or palm trees, are often particularly susceptible to dust deposits in winter. That's why spring cleaning is the right thing to do in spring: Use a damp, soft cloth to remove dust and dirt from the leaves and make the plant shine again. Smaller plants can also be showered with lukewarm water. Incidentally, cacti and succulents also benefit from a clean surface - instead of using water, however, the dust should be removed with a fine brush.

Repotting indoor plants: At the beginning of the growing season, you should always check your houseplant to see whether there is still enough space in the pot. Every three to four years or so, it's time to change the pot in March - that's how she has Not only do you plant new space for your growth, but you can also use fresh substrate be happy.

Repotting an aloe vera
March is the right time to repot [Photo: Bogdan Sonjachnyj /]

After March, April will come soon - you can find out what you need to consider when gardening this month in our article “Gardening in April“.

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