Propagate Australian lemon leaf using cuttings

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Propagation by cuttings

The Australian lemon leaf does not necessarily have to be bought in stores. Especially since this plant is rarely found there. You can easily grow a new plant yourself. Of course, the prerequisites must be in place for this.

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A cutting is required to propagate the Australian lemon leaf. Because in this country this is the way in which the plant can be propagated.

Shoot tips are optimal

Head cuttings do well. To do this, simply cut off the tip of one of the shoots. The head cutting should be at least Be 10 cm long.

Cutting head cuttings does not harm the plant. On the contrary, it branches out all the more. Cutting off the shoot tips is also common when the lemon-tasting leaves are used for cooking or tea.

The ideal time

Rooting the head cuttings gives good results all year round. When you start the propagation can therefore be decided by other factors. For example, when a cutting is available to you.

Field or house?

The Australian lemon leaf is perennial but not hardy. It is therefore only allowed to spend the warm days of the year outside. During this time, cuttings can also be propagated outside. It is only important that the cutting is kept away from direct sun.


In winter, simply stick cut shoots into the soil of other plants. With their scent, they keep pests away and take root at the same time. In the spring the young plants get their own pots.

Root the head cuttings

In summer you can put the head cutting in a glass of water, where it will take root within a few days. Otherwise, the cutting is planted directly in a pot.

  • remove bottom leaves
  • put in damp earth
  • place in a bright, warm place
  • Avoid direct sun at the beginning
  • keep only moderately moist


Make sure the soil is not too wet. The Australian lemon leaf prefers dry soils. If the soil is too moist, the cutting will rot rather than take root.