White topping on mint

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Fight powdery mildew with natural means - that's how it works

The fungal infection mildew is one of the most common Diseases in the herb garden. The velvety green leaves of the mint are just as mercilessly attacked as other herbaceous garden plants. As soon as the temperatures hit the 20-degree mark, the risk increases. As most Mint species are cultivated for consumption, chemical fungicides are out of the question. How to fight the disease by natural means:

  • clean all leaves with a white coating
  • Do not dispose of the infected leaves on the compost, but in the household waste
  • Spray the remaining parts of the plant with a mix of 100 ml fresh milk and 900 ml water

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  • These pests lurk for mint - effective control
  • Fight powdery mildew on mint with natural means
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To finish off the last fungal spores on a mint, a tea made from garlic is an effective natural remedy. To do this, squeeze out a clove of garlic, pour boiling water over it and let it stand for an hour. Filled in a spray bottle, apply the solution every 2 days.

How to effectively prevent powdery mildew

In the fight against powdery mildew, skilled hobby gardeners have a whole arsenal of effective means of prevention at their disposal. How to keep fungal spores away from mint:

  • young mint at a distance of at least 50 centimeters plants
  • an airy one is ideal Locationso that the leaves dry quickly after a downpour
  • Always pour the irrigation water directly onto the root area without wetting the foliage
  • consistently loosening the soil and pulling weeds
  • no nitrogen-stressed fertilizer administer
  • In a mixed culture with garlic, the risk of infection decreases

After pruning before winter, do not leave the clippings lying in the bed. Fungal spores like to use such places for wintering, only to strike again next year.

Tips & Tricks

Those who shy away from repeatedly wetting mint leaves due to the risk of rot can use this remedy: the pure silica Primary rock meal eliminates fungal spores. Applied repeatedly with a powder syringe, powdery mildew will withdraw.