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Norway maple is location-tolerant - with one exception

Norway maple demonstrates early in the year Heyday its large presence. When other deciduous trees are still bare, Acer platanoides boast of their yellowish panicle flowers. The high distribution density suggests that the beautiful tree thrives in any location. In fact, Norway maple proves to be quite tolerant, with one exception:

  • Growth in all types of soil, except boggy, waterlogged peat soils with an acidic pH value below 5
  • Optimal in sunny to partially shaded locations with normal garden soil

also read

  • Norway maple in profile - important characteristics at a glance
  • Keeping Norway maple roots in check - is that possible?
  • Damage to Norway Maple - Identifying and Treating Common Diseases

The sunnier the location, the more colorful the autumn leaves are. This also applies to picturesque subspecies and varieties that have colored leaves throughout the gardening season, such as the blood maple 'Crimson King'. In the low-light location, the leaves on Drummond's Norway maple lose their creamy white border and turn completely green.

Pay attention to root growth when choosing a location

When choosing a location, the correct distance to walls, terraces and neighbors is more important than the light and soil conditions. Norway maple spreads its roots flat and expansive. Therefore, please keep a distance of at least 300 cm to all kinds of obstacles.


For the front yard a Norway maple is too oversized as a house tree. You don't have to do without the splendid foliage and the spectacular autumn colors of an Acer platanoides in this location. Globosum globe maple is the refined variant of the Norway maple. The decorative tree remains at an average height of 450 cm and inspires with a spherical crown.

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