This is how you make a planting plan

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Criteria for the choice of perennials

So that the flower bed can and to develop its full effect every season looks attractive, you should plan the planting in advance. If that is too cumbersome for you, you can also buy ready-made perennial packages from the usual suppliers. These are put together for beds of certain sizes and harmonize perfectly with each other. However, you do not have a personal choice.

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Location and soil

In order for the plants to harmonize with one another and grow healthily, they have to be very similar in terms of their requirements for light, soil composition, temperature and care be - perennials that are particularly sun-hungry for the sun do not feel comfortable in the shade, just as drought-tolerant plants will not survive for too long in moist soil.

Growth forms, heights and colors

Once the right plants have been found for the intended location, you now have to make a selection with regard to flower colors, growth forms and heights. Select one to three leading perennials, which are made up of several perennials arranged in groups and with lower growing perennials as well as ornamental grasses, ground cover etc. be framed. Depending on your taste, you can create a colorful, multi-colored, contrasting color (with two opposing colors on the color scale or a single bed in one color).

Size and shape of the flowerbed

Regarding the choice of plants, this also plays a role size and shape the flowerbed plays an important role. Small and narrow beds should only accommodate a few species, while large ones can be planted opulently.


Choose groups of plants with different flowering times that you combine with each other. In this way, the flower bed remains attractive all year round with new flowers.

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