The best tips for planning and implementation

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It doesn't work without technology

Even if the future stream should appear natural and “as if it has grown”, it cannot do without technology. Special pumps with 220 volt mains operation can be used for this purpose. Of course, this requires the laying of a power supply, whereby hoses & Co. can be hidden very well behind larger boulders and under stones. The technology does not have to be buried frost-proof, as the pump has to be removed in winter anyway. Pond liner, which is laid on a geotextile mat to protect it from damage, is best for sealing the water surface. After completing the work, the film must of course no longer be visible.

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  • Plan and design a rock garden with a pond
  • How to design a rock garden - tips and ideas
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Design the course of a stream naturally

Ideally, the stream runs down a slope that is more or less steep, depending on the circumstances. Combine the stream with one, for example pond, you can use the soil from the excavation to model a mound. It is also important that the

hillside not to be allowed to run in a uniform gradient. Instead, it looks more natural if you include different plateaus and elevations. Damming the water in shallow areas also brings variety, as do small waterfalls and cascades. Also keep in mind that water always looks for the easiest route: abrupt changes in direction and too many curves seem overly artificial.

Design of the brook bank

It is also ideal if you plan the course of the stream with different water depths - then you have more options when it comes to planting. In general, the planting and design of the brook bank is of great importance for the natural effect, because a newly created one Watercourse always looks a bit barren and rugged. Plant the bank with suitable shrubs and trees that create the right framework. As in nature, rubble stones belong in the stream or Garden pond and pebbles only in the bank area.


Hide the edges of the foil well - protruding edges, for example, can be camouflaged with gravel stones. Flat blocks can then serve as stepping stones or even seats.