Easy and quick to fresh orange juice

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Oranges are healthy

Their high content of vitamin C stimulates our metabolism and ensures strong defenses. The body needs other ingredients such as folic acid, potassium, iron and magnesium, among other things, for the formation of new cells. However, the orange is also quite high in calories. 100 milliliters of juice contain 44 calories. If you use a liter of juice a day to quench your thirst, you can quickly weigh a few extra pounds on the scales. Orange juice should be drunk in small portions as a light snack.

also read

  • Gently peel the oranges
  • Oranges ripen all year round
  • Orange species and hybrids - great variety in shape and taste

Juice oranges

It is best to use ripe oranges for fresh orange juice. These are smaller than the navel oranges and also have a thinner skin. The juice oranges should feel plump and firm.
You have the following different options for pressing:

  • electric press
  • manual citrus press
  • Press the pulp through a sieve

With the electric press, cut the orange in half and press the halves one after the other onto the electrically operated press cone. The escaping juice is collected in a separate container.

With the manual citrus juicer, the pressing process is similar, only you have to manually turn the orange halves on the pressing cone. The juice collects in the juice groove.

If you want to squeeze the orange through a sieve, first peel the fruit and cut it into small pieces. These can be pressed through a fine-meshed sieve with a spoon.

increase the juice yield

There are several ways to increase the juice yield.

  • Put the orange in the microwave or in hot water for a few seconds. The heat loosens the flesh and more juice comes out.
  • Roll the orange back and forth a few times, this will also loosen the pulp.

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