Lawn fertilizer: what's in it?

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Lawns should be lush green and also sprout densely. The more blades of grass grow per square meter, the more beautiful the lawn looks. However, without a potent lawn fertilizer, the grasses quickly become unsightly and brown spots appear. In addition, there is the rampant growth of weeds. A holistic lawn fertilizer, in which the ingredients and composition are tailored to the different purposes, is ideal.


Nitrogen is an important ingredient in lawn fertilizer. This nutrient is the foundation for plant growth. Through the use of nitrogen, the grasses grow much faster and even more densely. However, when using it, always make sure that there is no over-fertilization. Nitrogen leads to a high level of nitrate pollution in the soil, which is why the fertilizer may only be applied as required. If too much of the ingredient is used, then this nutrient is not completely used by the grass in the lawn. The fertilizer then seeps into the local groundwater in the form of nitrate, so that the nitrate levels there increase extremely.

  • Promotes the growth and regeneration of the grass
  • Also supports the growth of the root mass
  • Provides a radiant green color
  • Is necessary for fertilizing in spring and summer
  • Use only during the growth phase
  • Do not apply any more nitrogenous fertilizers in autumn

Tip: If the lawn is pruned often and deeply,

then the need for nitrogen increases considerably.


Phosphorus is an important supplier of energy and significantly regulates the metabolism of lawns. This ingredient is very important for the roots, especially if they are to develop again. Thanks to strong roots, the shear strength of the lawn is improved and it can recover more quickly after every cut.

  • Sustainably promotes root growth
  • Ideal for a newly created lawn
  • Lowers the pH value in the soil
  • Phosphorus is found in bone meal
  • Apply immediately after scarifying


Meadow - lawn - grassWhen the days get hotter and longer at the end of spring, the need for nutrients in the lawn gradually changes. At this time of year, the lawn is also used much more frequently, so that the summer months are a tough time for the lawn to be stressed. That is why a sufficient supply of potassium is very important. This ingredient protects the grass deeply from drying out and prevents burns that can occur during the strong midday heat. In combination with nitrogen, potassium significantly improves the regenerative capacity of the lawn. In this way, the grasses also receive lasting protection against harmful environmental influences.

  • Potassium strengthens the cell walls of the grass
  • Improves the firmness in the plant tissue
  • Grasses become much more resilient
  • Controls the water balance in the lawn
  • Protects against dry phases
  • Significantly increases resistance
  • The lawn becomes more resistant to frost
  • Reduces disease infestation
  • The ideal time for fertilizer with a lot of potassium is in autumn


Magnesium is of central importance in lawn care, as this ingredient is essential for the build-up of chlorophyll. If there is not enough chlorophyll available, the grasses cannot photosynthesize. Magnesium occurs naturally in the soil of the garden. However, this nutrient occurs more frequently on medium-heavy and heavy soils. In contrast, magnesium is often in short supply on light, sandy and acidic soil. In addition, this nutrient is washed out of the soil every year by rainfall and irrigation. But plants also remove a lot of magnesium from the soil due to their constant uptake of nutrients.

  • Magnesium strengthens the health of the grasses
  • Colors the blades of grass a deep green
  • Prevents unsightly yellow discoloration
  • Lawn fertilizers contain magnesium sulfate
  • Ingredient is also known as Epsom salt

Organic composition

Organic lawn fertilizers mainly consist of plant and animal waste products. The mode of action is based on the transformation of organic ingredients. Since the active ingredients of organic fertilizers first have to be converted by the organisms in the soil, they take a long time to take effect. If the lawn is only fertilized completely organically, then this approach is too one-sided and poor in nutrients in the long run. This then leads to an undersupply of the grasses and moss can spread faster. Therefore, organic lawn fertilizer should only be used in addition to other fertilizers.

  • Organic lawn fertilizer improves the soil structure
  • Makes the ground much more fertile
  • This includes horn shavings, these provide a lot of nitrogen
  • Bone meal contains large amounts of phosphorus
  • Spent grains are malt residues from beer production
  • Molasses is also suitable
  • Just like sterilized chicken manure
  • Organic ingredients only take effect after approx. 4-6 months

Mineral composition

Blue grain - mineral fertilizer
Purely mineral lawn fertilizers are characterized by a very short duration of action, as they are very quickly soluble. These fertilizers have no harmful effect on soil life. However, if mineral fertilizers are used exclusively, this leads to permanent deficiency symptoms. As a result, there is an increased growth of weeds. As a liquid fertilizer, mineral ingredients are very helpful in lawn care. This means that unsightly sward can be improved sustainably within a short period of time. Mineral fertilizers in the form of capsules do not work in a timely manner, but depend on the right weather conditions.
  • Also known as artificial fertilizer
  • Generally intended for green manure
  • However, it is not sufficient as a sole lawn fertilizer
  • Blue grain is one of the purely mineral fertilizers
  • Artificial fertilizers work already after 2-5 days
  • However, the effect lasts for a maximum of 2-3 weeks
  • Mineral liquid fertilizers are ideal
  • Also available as a long-term fertilizer in capsule form
  • However, capsules only work when it rains
  • Alternatively, water extensively to speed up effectiveness

Tip: Over-fertilization with a purely mineral lawn fertilizer can cause serious burns to the lawn. Therefore never use too much of the artificial fertilizer.

Organic-mineral composition

Organic-mineral lawn fertilizers offer an almost perfect composition for lawn care. Due to the mineral content, the vital nutrients are directly available. Thanks to the organic components, there is a permanent level of efficiency. An even supply of nutrients promotes and maintains the health of the lawns. In order to get the exact nutrient requirements of the lawn, it is advisable to carry out a soil analysis. In this way, exact quantities of the individual ingredients can be calculated, which are needed per square meter.

  • Combination represents ideal composition
  • Improves soil life
  • Increases fertility in the soil
  • Can be used during the entire growing season
  • Test set for soil analysis is sold in the pharmacy