What is the lack of the herb of immortality?

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Possible causes

If the leaves of the Jiaogulan plant curl up, you should see both yours Location as well as the care check. A closer look at the leaves also rules out pest infestation. Here again the four most common causes at a glance:

  • too sunny location
  • dry root ball
  • Pests
  • approaching autumn

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Sunny places are taboo

Jiaogulan is a "jungle plant" in Asia that grows in the shade of even larger plants. In this country, too, it is only allowed to have a partially shaded spot that can only be reached by the sun in the morning and evening.

West and east windows work well in the house. They do not offer direct sunlight but sufficient brightness. If there is only one space available at the south window, move the plant a little away. Because too much sun is the main cause of curled leaves on this plant.

Avoid dry root balls

If moisture evaporates from the leaves without the roots being able to absorb new water, the leaves roll up. This risk exists during long periods of drought and particularly affects plants that grow in pots.

Did you water your plants too little? Do that quickly, but without drowning them in water!

Check for pest infestation

Check the leaves for other changes such as: B. Stains. Take a closer look at the underside of the leaves. For example, jiaogulan can be infested with lice. Combating them should be addressed immediately.

Time for an autumn retreat

During Jiaogulan at lighter wintering remains leafy indoors, only the rhizome overwinters outside. In autumn, for example, rolled up leaves only mark the beginning of the upcoming wilting phase.


Quickly cut off the healthy shoots so that you can use the leaves for winter tea dry can.

No going back to the original state

Leaves that are rolled up once will not recover, whatever the cause. So react immediately when you notice the first eggs rolled so that there are not more and more. Leaves that have already been rolled up can be cut off and disposed of.

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