Small rodents in the garden »This is how you get rid of unwanted guests

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Why do some rodents count as pests?

About two hundred to three hundred of the mammals with the typical incisor teeth belong to the pests. They either eat food or, living underground, the roots and tubers of plants. Some rodents also tamper with insulation materials and can even damage electricity and water pipes.

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Rats are considered dangerous Carriers of disease, because the rumor persists that these animals spread the plague in the Middle Ages. This is not the case, because this was the rat flea that lives in the fur of the actually very clean rodent and also passes on to humans.

Who is nibbling at my house?

The small sub-tenants can be easily identified in quiet hours, preferably in the evening and at night:

  • Do you hear gnawing, scratching or scratching noises?
  • Can you find signs of gnawing on rubbish bins?
  • Does it smell strongly of ammonia somewhere?
  • Tiny paw prints are also an unmistakable sign.
  • Feces in the form of small pills as well as grinding or smear marks also suggest uninvited guests.

Sensible measures against small rodents

First of all, it is important to make all food sources inaccessible. Let im Garden shed(€ 60.76 at Amazon *) there is no leftover food and close the waste container well. A good supply of food magically attracts the little animals.

Even without poison bait, which can be dangerous for children and pets, the subtenants can be successfully driven away:

  • A cat keeps mice and rats away. Your house tiger's used cat litter, which you fill in small cloth bags and place where you suspect the rodents, is sometimes enough.
  • Small rodents are extremely sensitive to noise. If you let it really "crack" during the day, the animals might look for another shelter.
  • Do not place garden furniture and objects next to the garden house in such a way that hiding places arise.
  • Find the loopholes through which the rodents come into the house and plug them up.

Relocate uninvited guests

Subtenants already in the arbor can be caught in an animal-friendly manner in live traps. However, you usually need several traps because the animals are very clever.

  • Peanut butter or sweet mashed potatoes are suitable as bait. Marzipan also magically attracts the little animals.
  • Check the traps regularly so that the rodents do not have to stay longer than necessary and die of thirst.
  • Cover the trap with a cloth before relocating.
  • Wear sturdy leather gloves when picking up and moving.

The captured animals should be released into the wild at least 100 meters from the garden shed.


Beware, some rodents host the dangerous Leptospira pathogens. You can become infected with the pathogens through contact with the urine of infected mammals (rats and mice, but also hedgehogs or dogs). Therefore, always wear a face mask and gloves when cleaning and pest control.