Apple Topaz: taste, care & harvest time

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Many apple lovers only know the Topaz apple from the supermarket. But did you know that this “supermarket variety” is for once not only tasty, but also easy to grow? We will introduce you to all the relevant properties of the versatile variety.

ripe topaz apples
The Topaz apple is one of the most popular on the supermarket shelf [Photo: AlexBuess /]

The apple variety ‘Topaz’ (Malus domestica ‘Topaz’) is a relatively new variety that is suitable for both professional commercial cultivation and extensive cultivation Orchards as well as for hobby cultivation in your own garden - under certain circumstances even in a tub is. The apple variety ‘Topaz’ is a little disease-prone, tasty and long-lasting variety Real insider tip for everyone who wants an uncomplicated apple tree that is more fun than work power.


  • Apple Topaz: profile
  • Origin and history of the topaz apple
  • Apple variety ‘Topaz’: taste and properties
  • Special features of the cultivation and care of Malus ‘Topaz’
  • Topaz apple: harvest & use

Apple Topaz: profile

fruit medium-sized; dark red flamed and striped body color
taste aromatic, slightly sour, balanced sweet and sour
Yield high; tends to alternate
Harvest time Late October to early November
Ripe for enjoyment from the end of November
Shelf life Well; storable until March
growth medium strength; upright to broad
climate not suitable for rough, winter cold and damp locations
Diseases and pests resistant to scab, slightly susceptible to powdery mildew, moderately to severely susceptible to fruit tree spider mite, aphid and stipple

Origin and history of the topaz apple

The apple variety ‘Topaz’ arose from a targeted crossing of the Rubin ’and‘ Vanda ’varieties at the Institute for Experimental Botany in Prague (Czech Republic). The crossing was found to be valuable at the institute in 1994 and as early as 1998 there was an official plant variety protection in the EU. This means that the ‘Topaz’ variety is not considered a social commons and may not be propagated for reasons of gain without paying a corresponding fee. Also, this variety may not be used for commercial breeding without asking the variety owner's permission.

Apple variety ‘Topaz’: taste and properties

The fruit of the topaz apple is medium-sized, flat and medium to stem-bellied. The top color takes up 40 to 70% of the skin and is flamed dark red and striped. The skin is thick and can be a bit of a nuisance when eating the apple. As it ripens, the skin becomes fatty and the initially firm yellow and juicy flesh becomes medium firm and sweeter. The taste of the Topaz apple is very aromatic and slightly acidic with a well-balanced sugar-acid ratio. The stem of the fruit is short to medium long, a typical distinguishing feature of the variety are so-called "meat pearls" in the calyx, that is, small, round growths on the flesh.

Topaz apple on the tree
The fruit of the ‘Topaz’ variety is medium-sized, rather flat and marbled in red on the sunny side [Photo: Xseon /]

Special features of the cultivation and care of Malus ‘Topaz’

The apple tree of the ‘Topaz’ variety grows medium-strong and upright to broad. The shoots often have tuft-like branches, which means that the crown quickly becomes very dense and should definitely be thinned out regularly. Like all varieties, both the vigor and the shape are strongly influenced by the base used on which the Topaz apple was grafted. For example, a Topaz apple tree with a weak base like M27 can be cultivated well in a large container because it does not grow well. The same variety on a medium-strong rootstock as M7 is perfect for growing as a medium-sized tree. Both semi-trunks and tall trunks can arise here and are relatively easy to care for due to the somewhat retarded growth. Since the variety is also suitable for extensive cultivation on meadow orchards, refinements on strong-growing rootstocks such as A2 or seedling rootstocks are also possible. Topaz apples grafted on such bases are without exception high stems. These become very large and are therefore difficult to cut regularly.

The topaz apple tree, which tends to flower very freely, begins to bloom early to mid-early. Thus, for example, ‘Rewena‘, ‘James Grieve‘,‘ Retina ’,‘Boskoop‘,‘ Prince Albrecht ’and the‘ White clear apple ’are in question. However, due to its early flowering, the topaz apple tree is susceptible to flower frosts in late spring frosts. Wood frost can also be a problem with this variety, which is why rough, winter-cold and humid locations are not for this apple. The winter cold is intensified on wet and heavy soils that only warm up slowly - accordingly, a well-drained, humus-rich and lighter soil is better for the topaz apple tree suitable.

The apple variety is scab-resistant, which means that one of the most important apple tree diseases is not a problem for it. It is only slightly susceptible to powdery mildew, but moderately to severely susceptible to the fruit tree spider mite and the apple aphid. In addition, ‘Topaz’ apples tend to have specks, i.e. brown spots on the flesh. However, this can be prevented with a regular cut.

Topaz apple tree with ripe fruits
The Topaz apple can be grown as a small or a very large tree [Photo: Algirdas Gelazius /]

The yield of the Topaz apple tree is high and tends to alternate, especially if it grows in too cold locations or is radically pruned. Pre-harvest fruit falls almost never occur in this apple tree.

Topaz apple: harvest & use

The harvest time for the Topaz apple is between the end of October and the beginning of November - it is now ripe for picking and is in the state of its best shelf life. The tree is ready for consumption from the end of November, but it is slower in the cool warehouse: Chilled to just over 0 ° C, the Topaz apple will keep until March. As it ripens, the fruit becomes softer and the skin more fatty.

Because of its very good taste, the Topaz apple is ideal for direct consumption. Processing and preservation in any form is also possible, especially because the harvest is usually very rich.

By the way: What about an allergy to apples with the ‘Topaz’ variety? The apple variety ‘Topaz’ is considered to be allergy-friendly due to its relatively low concentration of the apple allergen “Mal d1”. However, apple allergies are so complex that we advise allergy sufferers to always start with careful samples of each variety.

Are you looking for a mass carrier to supplement the tasty Topaz apple for the production of juice, puree or even apple cider? Then the naturally healthy commercial variety could ‘Josef Musch‘Be of interest to you.

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