Harvesting and storing apples correctly: helpful tips

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When are the apples ripe on the tree and how can you enjoy them for as long as possible? Important questions to which you will find an answer here.

Harvest and store apples
Here are tips on apple picking and storage [Photo: Evgeny Karandaev / Shutterstock.com]

From the harvest of one's own Apple tree (Malus domestica) one would like to consume as long as possible. But not all apples are ripe at the same time. Some are early and ripe as early as August, others are barely edible before December. In addition, a distinction must be made between the so-called picking and consumption maturity. The harvest period for apples cannot be generalized. However, there are a few characteristics that can be used to determine whether an apple is ripe for harvest or whether it should be left on the tree. If the apple is harvested at the right time, the conditions for optimal storage are also very good, depending on the variety.


  • Harvesting apples: when is harvest time?
  • Harvesting apples: when is the apple ripe?
  • Storing apples: helpful tips and tricks
  • Store apples: Keep apples fresh longer
  • Process apples and extend shelf life

Harvesting apples: when is harvest time?

The right time to harvest apples is not the same for every variety. Early varieties can be harvested as early as the beginning of August, but later by the end of October, and some are not ready to eat until December. Thus, with careful selection of the varieties, the possible harvesting period of different apple trees Can be extended to up to three months in the garden when combining early and late varieties in the garden will. Depending on the variety, you may have to compromise on taste, but apples from your own garden can be enjoyed over a long period of time.

Apple harvest
The harvest time can differ from variety to variety [Photo: Christin Klose / Shutterstock.com]

Find out more in our Apple variety overviewwhich apple variety is to be harvested early or late and which suits you in terms of taste.

Harvesting apples: when is the apple ripe?

When it comes to apples, a distinction is made between two states of ripeness: ripe for picking and ripe for consumption. The so-called summer apples can be eaten straight from the tree - they are "ready to eat". In the case of some late-ripening varieties, one speaks of picking ripeness if they have to be stored for a few more weeks after picking in order to achieve their full aroma and readiness for consumption.

The apples on a tree do not all ripen at the same time. This is a clear plus in terms of the longer harvest period. However, when it comes to distinguishing ripe and unripe apples when picking, the delayed ripeness can be a problem. In general, you can orient yourself by the fact that the fruits on the side facing away from the sun usually ripen more slowly than those on the sunny south side of the tree. To see whether the apple is really ripe, you tilt it slightly or turn it carefully. If the apple can then be easily detached, it is ripe.

Picking by hand is particularly necessary if the apples are to be used as dessert fruit. A picking aid can be very practical in order to reach the apples more easily at lofty heights and to harvest them from the tree unscathed. If, on the other hand, the apples are to be used to make applesauce, apple cider or apple juice, you can also use them on the one hand Use apples that have already fallen; on the other hand, you can easily shake the apples on the tree to harvest.

Ripe apples
When it comes to apples, a distinction is made between being ripe for picking and ripe for consumption [Photo: topseller / Shutterstock.com]

The following factors should be considered when harvesting apples:

  • Is it an early, medium or late ripening variety?
  • Is the apple to be harvested “ready to eat” or “ready to pick”?
  • Apples are ripe when they can be easily removed from the tree by tilting them slightly and with little effort
  • Selectively pick dessert fruits by hand
  • Apples for juice or applesauce can be shaken off the tree quickly and easily

Storing apples: helpful tips and tricks

The entire apple harvest should not necessarily be processed immediately, let alone consumed. That is why it is practical if the apples can be stored well. The selection of a well storable apple variety is an essential criterion for a long storage period and the associated extension of the enjoyment period. However, there are a few things to consider so that the apples are stored optimally and thus successfully.

Storage of apples
How long apples can be stored depends on the variety [Photo: Sophie McAulay / Shutterstock.com]

Store apples: Keep apples fresh longer

Optimal storage begins with the harvest: Make sure that the apples do not get any bruises. The fabric quickly becomes mushy at pressure points and starts to rot much earlier. Therefore, windfalls are not suitable for storage. Likewise, apples with a worm sting should not find their way into the warehouse. The unpopular reptiles ensure premature spoilage and also migrate from one apple to another.

For storage, put the apples in a box, ideally lined with newspaper and only in one layer. You should avoid stacking the apples, as this can also create unwanted pressure points. If you do not wash or polish, the natural wax layer is retained. It favors the shelf life of the apple, because it reduces the gas exchange of the apple and thus also its respiration. This results in a reduced production of gases such as ethylene, which accelerate the ripening of the fruit.

Put the apple crates in a cool and dark place. The apples must be protected from temperature fluctuations and sub-zero temperatures. Check the stored apples regularly and remove bad specimens. Types that are particularly suitable for storage are, for example,Cox orange',' Jonagold 'or' Roter Boskoop '. Early varieties, like 'Alcmene‘And 'Gravensteiner', on the other hand, do not store well.

Pressure marks on apples when stored
The apples must not have any bruises for storage [Photo: GoodMood Photo / Shutterstock.com]

Storing apples correctly summarized:

  • Cool and dark place
  • Protected against sub-zero temperatures and temperature fluctuations
  • Checking the stored apples: never store apples with rotten spots, wormholes and bruises
  • Check stored apples regularly

Process apples and extend shelf life

Don't just throw away apples that are not suitable for storage. Damaged, worm-infested or too small specimens can be processed into juice, jelly or puree, for example. Even windfalls can still be used, as long as they are not rotten, despite the bruises. The apples can also be used directly, for example in the form of a delicious apple pie.

tip: At many cider factories you can hand in your apples and exchange them for juice. Especially in years with a less abundant harvest, apples are in great demand in cider mills.

Apple processing into apple juice
Apples unsuitable for storage should be processed [Photo: K321 / Shutterstock.com]

tip: If you want to optimally supply your apple tree with nutrients and thus ensure a rich harvest, you can use ours Plantura organic soil activator insert. This ensures active soil life and makes it easier for the apple tree to absorb nutrients.