Succulents with flowers: the 10 most beautiful species

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Succulents are valued primarily because of their easy-care and robust nature. But did you know that there are also succulents with flowers? We introduce you to the most beautiful blooming succulents in various colors.

Pink desert rose flowers
Succulents can also impress with beautiful flowers [Photo: Photo by M /]

Succulents can be found in almost every household and are probably one of the most popular houseplants of all. No wonder, after all, the survivors are considered extremely resilient and easy to care for, which is why they are also suitable for beginners. Yet despite its great popularity it is only a fraction of that Succulent species known. Often when we think of the word "succulents" we only think of it as classics like that Money tree (Crassula ovata) or the Aloe vera (aloe). There are numerous other species that are perfect as houseplant. Flowering succulents are an enrichment for every household, because they combine an easy-care species with an extremely decorative flower. In the following, we will tell you which succulents with blooms are suitable for the house or garden and what you need to consider when caring for them.


  • Flowering succulent species
    • 1. Flaming Kathchen
    • 2. Echeverie
    • 3. Desert rose
    • 4. Christ thorn
    • 5. Conophytum calculus
  • Hardy succulents that bloom
    • 1. Hot stonecrop
    • 2. Garden yucca
    • 3. Ice plant
    • 4. Houseleek
    • 5. White sedum plant
  • Flowering succulents: should you cut off the old flower?
  • Caring for flowering succulents

Flowering succulent species

Succulents in bloom quickly attract everyone's attention and enrich every apartment. The following five flowering succulent species are particularly beautiful indoor plants:

1. Flaming Kathchen

When talking about flowering succulents, you definitely mustn't Flaming cats (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) forget. The bright red flowers of the succulent transform the houseplant into a real eye-catcher. If you prefer something more subtle, you will find other Kalanchoe species such as the Madagascar bell (Kalanchoe miniata) or the breeding leaf (Kalanchoe tubiflora) also succulents with pink, white or yellow flowers.

Flaming red cats-flowers
The Flaming Käthchen is a red blooming succulent plant [Photo: DigitalMammoth /]

2. Echeverie

The Echeverie (Echeveria agavoides) is one of the most famous succulents because it is considered extremely robust and durable. In fact, few people know that the echeveria is also a succulent plant that blooms. From March to June, small flowers, which are often pink to yellowish-orange-red, can appear on peduncles up to three centimeters long.

3. Desert rose

the Desert rose (Adenium obesum) is still one of the real insider tips in Germany when it comes to blooming succulents. Especially its caudex, which can often take on bizarre shapes, makes the plant an eye-catcher. The succulents only achieve their full beauty when they bloom - the strikingly beautiful pink flowers of the succulents are actually reminiscent of wild roses. In addition to the common simple pink flowers, the desert rose also shines in pure white, intense red or dark purple.

4. Christ thorn

Of the Christ thorn (Euphorbia milii) is a popular houseplant because the red, pink or white bracts of the plant are very decorative. The actual bloom of the succulent plant is admittedly something with the small yellowish flowers inconspicuous - in combination with the opulent bracts, however, the succulent is beautiful in bloom to watch.

Blossoms of the Christ thorn
The colorful bracts make the Christ thorn so popular [Photo: Flash_Jira /]

5. Conophytum calculus

Admittedly Conophytum calculus is an unusual sight with its round, gray or light green body. But once the extraordinary succulent plant blooms, no one can escape sight. The single, orange-yellow flower of the plant only opens at night and has a pleasant aroma reminiscent of carnations - a unique spectacle.

Hardy succulents that bloom

Flowering succulents are not only an asset in the home - these five plants prove that flowering succulents can be hardy and therefore also suitable for the garden:

1. Hot stonecrop

If you are looking for a succulent with yellow flowers, you will find the hot stonecrop (Sedum acre) at the right address. From June to July the plant enchants with an abundance of small, bright yellow flowers. In a fully sunny, dry location, the flowering succulents are at their best Side and is also considered extremely hardy, which is why it is often used for rock gardens will.

2. Garden yucca

The garden yucca (Yucca filamentosa) bears its name rightly, because the flowering succulent plant is hardy and can therefore be planted in the garden without any problems. From June onwards, the plant shows its stems, which can reach a height of two meters and which have great white bell blossoms in midsummer. Unfortunately, the succulent plant often only presents its white flowers two to three years after planting - it is worth the wait, however, because there are hardly any other succulent plants that bloom more beautifully.

Garden yucca with white flowers
The garden yucca is hardy here too [Photo: Shchipkova Elena /]

Midday flowers (Delosperma) are a real feast for the eyes with their colorful flowers. Unfortunately, many species are not winter-proof and therefore not suitable for the garden. Fortunately, if you don't want to do without the succulent flower, you can fall back on some hardy varieties. For example, the ‘Golden Nugget’ or the ‘Fire Spinner’, which enchants with their orange-pink flowers, have proven their worth.

Succulents of the ice plant species
The frost-sensitive ice plant needs a warm, protected location

4. Houseleek

The houseleek (Sempervivum) is one of the classics of succulents and can be found in many gardens. With its persistent nature and decorative leaf rosettes, it is one of the most resistant, but also most decorative plants in the garden. But only a few know that the succulent plant also blooms. Especially the mountain houseleek (Sempervivum montanum) convinces with its striking red flowers. The large-flowered houseleek (Sempervivum grandiflorum) is very popular as a succulent with yellow or white flowers. On the other hand, the Dolomite houseleek (Sempervivum dolomiticum).

5. White sedum plant

From June to August the white sedum (Sedum album) with its flowers attracts everyone's attention. The white bloom of the succulent not only attracts people's looks like magically - bees and butterflies are also attracted by the blooming succulent. But the white sedum plant is not only decorative - it is also extremely robust and hardy.

Blooming white sedum plant
The white sedum plant is one of the flowering succulents [Photo: Gabriela Beres /]

Flowering succulents: should you cut off the old flower?

Once the succulent has faded, many gardeners wonder whether to cut off the old flower. This question is not easy to answer: Basically, the old flower cannot be removed from the succulent immediately be removed, as these slowly remove all of the nutrients and substances that they can reuse to the withered part of the plant, withdraws. As soon as the flower stalk dries up and becomes brittle, the flowers often fall off on their own or can be carefully cut off with a knife. However, as the flower fades, the risk of the flower starting to rot increases - if that happens or you wilt Plant parts do not look good, you can remove them with a sharp, clean knife without damaging the plant suffers.

Caring for flowering succulents

For a succulent plant to bloom, above all it needs ideal conditions and good care. Fortunately, this is not particularly time-consuming if you follow a few basic rules. So the right substrate is essential for succulents because it forms the basis for their growth. Succulents have special requirements: The substrate should be loose and have good drainage properties, as succulents in bloom are also sensitive to waterlogging. In addition, the soil should be adapted to the nutrient requirements of the plants. These requirements are optimally met by special cactus and succulent soils - such as the Floragard cactus soil.

Floragard cactus soil and a cactus in a pot
The substrate should have good drainage properties

If the right substrate is chosen, the succulents actually need little attention despite flowering: in a bright place without high humidity, the plants almost thrive on their own. The flowering succulents only need to be watered when their substrate is completely dry. During the growing season, the succulent can be supported with a little cactus and succulent fertilizer about every three weeks, depending on the species.

The only peculiarity that distinguishes flowering succulents from those without flowering is the hibernation. While many succulents continue to grow undeterred even without separate wintering, flowering succulent species are often lazy to flower in the living room after a winter. Therefore, succulents that bloom should be relocated to a bright room with 12 to 15 ° C from November to February. During this time, the plants do not need any additional fertilizer and also have to be watered less often. After their resting phase, the succulents often show themselves to be much more blooming again.

Not only blooming succulents are an eye-catcher - you can find out how to create great decorations with hanging succulents in our article "Hanging succulents as decoration: DIY tip“.

Many thanks to Floragard for their support!

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