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Organic fertilizers for healthy strawberry enjoyment

Healthy fruit and vegetables from the hobby garden result primarily from the conscious use of compost for the supply of nutrients. The eternal cycle of materials in nature is used sensibly for the production of purely organic fertilizer. If there is no possibility of creating a compost heap, these alternatives are possible:

  • Manure
  • Horse manure
  • guano
  • Herbal manure

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More mineral Berry fertilizer(€ 11.35 at Amazon *) Compared to purely organic preparations, it scores points with a quick effect; Nevertheless, there is still uncertainty as to which ingredients will end up in the strawberries.

The perfect start with the right fertilizer

Experience in the cultivation of strawberries has shown that the plants do not grow or grow with difficulty in freshly tilled soil. As a result, the start fertilization is applied one to two months before the planting date. This process has proven itself:

  • the ground two spade dig deep
  • Sieve out stones, roots and weeds
  • mix the excavated material with compost, Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) or other organic fertilizer
  • alternatively a mineral one Berry fertilizer Work into the soil with 60-80 grams per square meter

This approach also applies to starting fertilization in the bucket or Flower box. The potting soil enriched with compost from the specialist trade should have at least 14 days to sit down. After that plants The young strawberries without working the substrate.

Fertilize annual strawberries in a balanced way

Although the hardy strawberry plants are suitable for perennial cultivation, many hobby gardeners opt for annual cultivation. Regardless of when the start fertilization took place, this chronology applies to the further nutrient supply:

  • Before flowering, fertilize with 5 liters of compost or 60-80 grams of berry fertilizer per square meter
  • in lean soil, if necessary, fertilize again in halved dosage before the fruit ripens

In order to avoid over-fertilization with all negative consequences, experienced hobby gardeners refrain from fertilizing before the fruit ripens in case of doubt. This is especially true with regard to the use of concentrated, mineral berry fertilizers. A professional will provide information about the actual nutrient requirements Soil analysis.

When are perennial strawberry plants fertilized?

The optimal date for the main fertilization perennialStrawberry varieties lies immediately after the harvest in autumn. Ideally, apply 5 liters of sifted compost or an alternative organic fertilizer per square meter of bed area. The soil organisms have enough time until next spring to prepare the nutrients for the strawberry plants to take up. If you prefer mineral berry fertilizers, the same dosage applies as at the start.

In the following season, the nutrient supply runs according to the same schedule as for the annual strawberry varieties.

Climbing strawberries and other varieties that are wintered in a planter receive additional nutrients throughout the season. In this case, give liquid compost, worm tea or a suitable liquid fertilizer for berries every 2 weeks. It is important to note that you do not pour this fertilizer on dried out substrate.

Tips & Tricks

Did you miss all the classic planting dates? Then you don't have to go for strawberries on your own garden waive. You can plant innovative frigo plants from the cold store from March to September. After exactly nine weeks you will harvest the first juicy, sweet strawberries.

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