Planting a peach tree: location & procedure

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Juicy peaches from your own garden mean pure summer mood. We show how you, too, can easily plant a peach tree.

The warmth-loving one peach (Prunus persica) originally comes from Asia and probably came to Central Europe via Persia. In areas that are not too frosty, the popular stone fruit can now also be grown successfully in German-speaking countries. There are numerous variants with fruits in different colors and shapes. The pink flowers in spring are also a real eye-catcher. So if you don't want to do without sweet peaches, you should definitely plant a peach tree in your own garden.


  • Buy a peach tree as a pot or bale product?
  • When to plant a peach tree
  • Instructions for planting peach trees
    • Materials Required for Peach Tree Planting
    • Choose a suitable location for the peach tree
    • Dig the planting hole for the peach tree
    • Attach support post for peach tree
    • Prepare the planting hole for the peach tree
    • Prepare the peach tree before planting
    • Plant peach tree
  • Care for the peach tree after planting

Buy a peach tree as a pot or bale product?

Before planting, you should seek out experience with the nursery of your choice Inquire about the desired variety and check whether it suits the local conditions in your garden is adapted. Many fruit trees are offered in tree nurseries as container and bale goods. But what is the difference?

So-called bale goods are in the field and are only cut out with a ball of earth and packed shortly before the order is placed. As a rule, these trees are quite robust due to the outdoor cultivation and grow on well, as only a small part of the root mass is lost when transplanted. Bale goods are usually only available in early spring or autumn. In contrast, container goods can be bought and planted all year round. The tree is raised in a container (or bucket) in which it is then sold. No root mass is lost through the cutting out and the plant already grows in the first Year very well, as no force is used to regrow the lost root mass got to.

Peach tree in the pot
In contrast to bale goods, container goods can be bought and planted all year round (Advertisement: Many thanks to Floragard)

When to plant a peach tree

It is best to plant peaches in autumn (October to November) so that the tree can take root over the winter months. Alternatively, you can also plant in spring (March to April). However, only when strong winter frosts are no longer to be expected, so that the little tree is not damaged.

Instructions for planting peach trees

There are a few things to consider when planting peach trees. Below we give you step-by-step instructions on how to best proceed.

Materials Required for Peach Tree Planting

So that you can start planting quickly, you should prepare the following utensils:

  • Spade, shovel, hoe
  • Support pile, binding material
  • Hammer, secateurs
  • Potting soil, compost soil
  • Coconut mat

Choose a suitable location for the peach tree

The heat-loving peach prefers a sheltered location with sufficient sunlight. For example, a place in front of a warm south wall is ideal. Areas prone to late frost are not suitable for peaches as they bloom very early in March. Loamy, nutrient-rich soils with a high proportion of humus are ideal for peaches. You can use lighter soils with nutrient-rich soils before planting compost upgrade.

ripe peaches
For a plentiful harvest, peach trees need a protected location [Photo: stelado /]

Tip from the professional: With a few exceptions, peaches are self-fertile. So you don't necessarily need a second tree in the vicinity. However, cross-pollination also increases the fruit set in peaches.

Dig the planting hole for the peach tree

Once the correct location has been selected, you must first estimate the size of the planting hole. You can use the tree's root ball as a guide: The planting hole should be about twice as large as this. With the spade you then roughly pierce the outline of the planting hole and gradually remove the layers of soil. It is best to pile up the soil near the planting hole, because this will be needed again later. It is best to dig the planting hole a third deeper than the tree's root ball is high. Then loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole with a hoe that is twice the height of the pot.

Attach support post for peach tree

After digging the planting hole, you can drive in the support post. This should be about the same height as the trunk of the peach tree. It is best to drive the stake in on the west side so that the wind later pushes the tree away from the stake and not against it.

Prepare the planting hole for the peach tree

Before the tree is planted, you should ensure that there are good starting conditions. For this, it is best to pour fresh potting soil and something compost in the planting hole. Then mix the two layers together well. If necessary, you can also use a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect, such as ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer, work into the ground. This is slowly broken down by the microorganisms in the soil and provides your peach tree with sufficient nutrients over the long term.

Plantura universal fertilizer
Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer provides the freshly planted peach tree with optimal nutrients

Prepare the peach tree before planting

Before planting, you should score a little all around the root ball of the tree with scissors and loosen it up a little with your hands. The small injuries stimulate the branching of the roots. However, it is usually not necessary to cut the roots of container goods.

Tip from the professional: If the root ball of the purchased peach tree is very dry, the tree can be put in a bucket with water again before planting.

Plant peach tree

When planting the tree, make sure that the grafting point protrudes about five centimeters from the ground and close the planting hole with the previously removed soil. Cavities are closed by lightly stepping on the earth. To protect it from strong winds, you can tie the peach tree a hand's width below the end of the post. The rope should not be tightened too much so that the tree does not suffer from constrictions. Finally, pour it on. Sludging ensures that the earth settles well and the water reaches the roots. Due to the small volume of roots, you should definitely keep the tree slice free from other plants so that there is no nutrient competition with the peach tree. Laying out a coconut mat around the trunk of the tree can help suppress the growth of weeds, especially in the early stages.

whole peach tree with floragard
A support pole protects the peach tree from strong winds (Advertisement: Many thanks to Floragard)

Tip from the professional: Herbs that require little nutrients and water can be grown under a young peach tree without hesitation. Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus) can be used, for example, as a spice in the kitchen and at the same time protects the tree from the widespread curl disease.

Summary: planting a peach tree

  • Plant in autumn (October / November)
  • Choose a sunny, sheltered location
  • Dig the planting hole twice the size and about a third deeper
  • Drive in the support post on the west side
  • Bring in fresh potting soil and compost
  • Carefully score and loosen the root ball
  • Place the tree in the hole and fill it up with the excavated earth
  • Tread the soil lightly and water it well
  • Tie to a stake and lay out a coconut mat

Care for the peach tree after planting

Particularly during the hot summer months, it is important to ensure adequate watering, as otherwise the fruits remain very small or even fall off prematurely. For nutrient supply you can have an annual Fertilizing the fruit tree with compost or organic slow release fertilizer make. Spread some compost on the tree grate and work it a little into the ground.

The beautiful flowers usually appear very early in spring (beginning of March). Therefore, in cold winters, there is a risk that they will freeze to death and crop failures will occur. To protect the peach blossoms from late frost, you can protect them with a fleece or a blanket if necessary. As with almost all fruit trees, regular pruning also has a positive effect on the yield of peaches. Since they bloom on annual wood, they can be cut a little more generously. In this way, enough wood grows back on which numerous fruits will form again in the next year.

More information and detailed instructions on the correct one Pruning peach trees can be found in our special article.