Propagate corkscrew willow: this is how it works

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table of contents

  • Corkscrew willow
  • Propagation via cuttings
  • Propagate with cuttings
  • Increase by lowering
  • frequently asked Questions

It's everything, just not straight and straight: that's why the corkscrew willow is so popular. In the garden, it attracts birds, insects and the looks of passers-by. How does the propagation of corkscrew willow succeed?

In a nutshell

  • grows very quickly but does not get very old
  • Regular pruning improves the habit
  • cuttings can be obtained when cutting in autumn
  • these are stored in winter and plugged in spring
  • Corkscrew willow can also be propagated using cuttings

Corkscrew willow

A breed of Chinese willow (Salix matsudana) has not only taken the hearts of hobby gardeners, but also those of florists by storm: the corkscrew willow 'Tortuosa'. With its twisted branches, lanceolate light green leaves and catkins in spring, it is pretty to look at. It is ideal for creating arrangements and wreaths. Young plants are offered for sale in pots.

Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa' in a bucket
Source: Photo by David J. Rod, Salix matsudana Tortuosa 10zz, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

If you want to increase corkscrew willow, use it

  • Cuttings
  • Cuttings
  • Sinker

Propagation via cuttings

Instructions for rooting in water

  1. In spring or autumn, cut some 8-inch branches of corkscrew willow from the tree.
  2. Then remove all leaves over a length of about ten centimeters in the lower area.
  3. Place the sections in vessels with water in a warm, bright place.
  4. When strong roots have formed after four to five weeks, you can plant them outdoors.
Corkscrew Willow (Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa')
Source: Photo by David J. Rod, Salix matsudana Tortuosa 3zz, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

Alternatively, you can then plant the willow cuttings directly in pots with soil.

Instructions for rooting in soil

  1. In the spring, cut off branches of the corkscrew willow about eight inches long.
  2. Remove all leaves from the lower area over a length of about ten centimeters.
  3. Then mix ordinary potting soil with some sand and pour the mixture into a container.
  4. Put the corkscrew willow cuttings in the ground.
  5. Place the vessels in a warm, bright place.
  6. You can recognize the roots by the newly formed leaves.
  7. Then you can plant the corkscrew willow cuttings outdoors.

Propagate with cuttings

If you want to increase the corkscrew willow, you will quickly find success with cuttings. A peg is a shoot about eight inches long with about three or four shoots on it.


  1. In the fall, cut cuttings that are eight inches long.
  2. Leave the shoots in a basket in the cellar for the winter.
  3. Put the pieces of wood in the ground in spring.
Propagate corkscrew willow: cut cuttings

Note: It is also important to be able to see exactly where the cuttings are at the top and bottom after cutting. Therefore, mark the wood with a straight cut above and an oblique cut in the lower area, where the roots should form.

Increase by lowering

Most Willow species take root very quickly. For this reason, when propagating corkscrew willow, it is possible to obtain subsidence easily.


  1. Choose a very pliable branch of corkscrew willow that reaches to the ground.
  2. Dig a groove about four inches long in the ground.
  3. Pull the branch down and dig it into this gully.
  4. Complain the place with two bricks.
  5. Drive in a wooden stick and attach the tip of the shoot so that it points upwards.
  6. Water the rooting site regularly and fill up with soil.
  7. Separate the offshoot from the mother plant with a sharp knife.
Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa' in the garden
Corkscrew willow (Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa') on the left; Source: GT1976, 2018-05-13 (236) Salix matsudana tortuosa (chinese willow) and Syringa (lilac) at garden at Bichlhäusl in Frankenfels, Austria, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

frequently asked Questions

Are corkscrew willow and corkscrew hazel the same plant?

No, the corkscrew hazel (Corylus avellana 'Contorta') is a special form of the hazelnut bush. It does not take root as quickly as the willow.

Which location is suitable for the offshoots of the corkscrew willow?

Choose a sunny location with humus rich, well-drained soil. Keep in mind that corkscrew willows have extensive roots. In doing so, plan a meter of space all around. Container plants need a pot with at least 30 liters.

Are young plants already hardy?

Young corkscrew willows are not yet hardy. You should therefore wrap potted plants in bubble wrap and place them in a frost-proof room on a base made of wood or styrofoam. Outdoor plants need a thick layer of brushwood to protect them from the cold.