Shade balcony: 10 balcony plants for the shade

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A green paradise is also possible on a balcony on the shady side. We present ten shade-loving plants that like it dark.

Shady balcony with plants
You can also create a green oasis on a shady balcony [Photo: Isa Long /]

If you don't have a garden, you can still create a green oasis of well-being. Balcony plants offer the perfect conditions for growing flowers and vegetables in the city. But in addition to care, plants also need the right location - unfortunately not everyone is blessed with a sunny south-facing balcony.


  • 10. chrysanthemum
  • 9. ivy
  • 8. Star jasmine
  • 7. mint
  • 6. Busy Lizzie
  • 5. spinach
  • 4. fuchsia
  • 3. Wild garlic
  • 2. Bellflower
  • 1. begonia

Fortunately, there are also great plants for shady balcony gardens that feel comfortable without a lot of sun and still impress with their beauty and charm. Here you will find our top ten plants for the shade balcony.

10. chrysanthemum

The promises great blooms in impressive colors chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum). Despite its abundant flowering, the impressive plant also feels at home in partial shade; only in full shade it can be that flowering and growth are a little less. The chrysanthemum is ideal for a varied and, above all, long flowering - depending on the

Chrysanthemum type and variety the plant begins to bloom in early summer and does not stop until late autumn.

Chrysanthemums are popular primarily for their abundant bloom [Photo: Mironmax Studio /]

9. ivy

Are you not in the mood for imposing flowers that need a lot of care? Then he could ivy (Hedera helix) be the ideal plant for your shady balcony: With its green carpet of leaves, the plant is a great eye-catcher, but at the same time hardly needs any maintenance. In addition, the ivy can be used universally and is suitable for both greening unsightly balcony grilles and as decorative hanging plant for the hanging basket.

Ivy as a hanging plant in a hanging basket
The ivy also makes a good impression as a hanging plant [Photo: Myimagine /]

8. Star jasmine

As an exotic beauty from distant Asia, many expect star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) that it only grows in the blazing sun. In fact, the star jasmine also feels good in partial shade. At the same time, the plant is a real feast for the eyes: Countless white star blossoms adorn it between April and August and also beguile with a heavenly one intense fragrance. But the evergreen leaves, which turn attractive red in spring and autumn, ensure that the star jasmine can be a great alternative for the shade garden.

Star jasmine single flowers
With its star-shaped flowers, the jasmine is a real eye-catcher even in partial shade [Photo: Nikolas Lamprou /]

7. mint

If you want to grow herbs on your shady balcony, you should definitely not do this mint (Mentha): In fact, the plant grows wonderfully even in partial shade, even if its aroma becomes a little more intense in the sun. At the same time, mint offers an astonishing variety of different varieties that invite you to collect: In addition to the classic peppermint (Mentha × piperita) varieties such as pineapple mint (Mentha rotundifolia variegata) for variety and new taste experiences.

Mint in a pot
On a shady balcony, the aroma of the mint is a little milder [Photo: martiapunts /]

6. Busy Lizzie

Blossom from May to October: The Busy Lieschen (Impatiens walleriana) really lives up to its name. Even in shady locations, the plant blooms tirelessly, creating a beautiful carpet of flowers in white or red, pink and purple tones. The hard-working Lieschen is considered to be particularly uncomplicated and is therefore perfect for the easy-care greening of shady balconies.

Hard-working Lieschen in a pot
The hard-working Lieschen is a tireless bloomer even in the shade [Photo: nofilm2011 /]

5. spinach

spinach (Spinacia oleracea) can only be grown in sunny fields? Fortunately not true: Amazingly, the healthy leafy vegetables can also be grown excellently on the shady balcony. Although the leaves of the plant grow a little slower than those of its colleagues in the sunny bed, otherwise hardly any difference is noticeable. Especially lovers of baby spinach get their money's worth when growing on the balcony: the first tender spinach leaves can be harvested after just a few weeks.

Spinach in a saucepan
The leaves of the spinach grow a little slower on a shady balcony than in the sun [Photo: Ed Samuel /]

4. fuchsia

It is a true classic for the shadow balcony: The fuchsia (Fuchsia) is with her uncomplicated manner a welcome guest with many balcony gardeners. But it's not just its robust nature that makes the plant so popular - its mostly two-tone flowers are also a great eye-catcher that beautifies any balcony. Thanks to various Fuchsia varieties, which differ in color and growth, there is something for every balcony. There is now even a large selection hardy fuchsiasthat can be spent outside all year round.

Fuchsia in a pot on the balcony
The two-tone fuchsia is a true balcony classic [Photo: Natashka-mamashka /]

3. Wild garlic

Since the Wild garlic (Allium ursinum) originally found in forests, the plant is also ideal for growing on a shady balcony. Fortunately, after all, the aromatic herbs should not be missing in any kitchen. But not only its taste is a reason to grow wild garlic - its white, star-shaped flowers also make wild garlic a real eye-catcher. In addition, there is no risk to self-grown wild garlic Confusion with poisonous plantsas it can happen when collecting in the forest.

Wild garlic with white flowers
When collecting wild garlic in the forest there is a risk of confusion - that cannot happen on the balcony [Photo: Eileen Kumpf / Shutterstockcom]

2. Bellflower

The offers a truly magical sight Bellflower (Campanula): With its delicate bell blossoms in brilliant white or enchanting blue, the plant is an impressive eye-catcher on every balcony. The bellflower is also ideal for the shady balcony, as it cannot withstand direct sunlight. But not only people, but also garden insects find the bellflower delightful - the beneficial insects become almost magical bee-friendly plant dressed.

Bellflower with purple flowers
The bellflower does not tolerate direct sunlight [Photo: barmalini /]

1. begonia

Great luminosity in different color variations makes the charm of the Begonias (Begonia) the end. With its beautiful flowers that elegantly stand out from the dark foliage, the plant is really a sight to behold. Fortunately, this beauty is neither demanding nor fleeting: the begonia blooms from April until September and shows its full beauty not in the blazing sun, but only in the Penumbra.

Begonias with red flowers on a balcony in a pot
The elegant begonia only shows its full bloom in partial shade [Photo: Konoplytska /]

You can not only grow plants in the shade on the balcony. which Shade plants for growing in the garden are suitable, you can find out here.

tip: Especially with plants in pots or balcony boxes, the nutrients are used up quickly due to the lower volume. An effective organic liquid fertilizer like our Plantura Organic flower & balcony fertilizer is simply applied over the irrigation water and provides your balcony plants quickly and effectively with all the nutrients they need.