Hyssop: an overview of the aromatic garden herbs

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Hyssop is extremely undemanding and robust. He also keeps some unpleasant animals at a distance. So hyssop is a must in every garden.

Hyssop plants with purple flowers
The hyssop provides a blue-violet sea of ​​flowers from June to September [Photo: mizy / Shutterstock.com]

The real hyssop - with a botanical name Hyssopusofficinalis - belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae). It joins the ranks of many popular herbs such as rosemary (Rosmarinusofficinalis) or thyme (Thymusofficinalis) a. Overall belong to the genus of Ysope (Hyssopus) six types. Most of them are native to Russia and cannot be found in our gardens. Since the hyssop partially lignifies in growth, it is one of the semi-shrubs. Therefore, it should be cut regularly to keep it in shape. Otherwise, the herb is extremely easy to care for and, thanks to its extremely intense aroma, even drives away some pests. That is why hyssop proves to be a very suitable plant neighbor for more susceptible species. The attractive blue-violet flower also means a high ornamental value for the home garden. The flowering time is also extremely long from June to September.


  • Growing hyssop: In the garden bed or in the tub
  • Multiplication
    • Increase hyssop by sowing
    • Propagate hyssop by cuttings
    • Increase hyssop by lowering
  • Pour hyssop and fertilize
  • Cut hyssop
  • Harvest and store hyssop
    • Drying hyssop
    • Freeze hyssop
    • Insert hyssop
  • Hyssop: use in the kitchen and in the garden

Growing hyssop: In the garden bed or in the tub

Hyssop prefers a sunny location on well drained and, if possible, lime-rich soil. This can contain nutrients. The only place he doesn't feel particularly comfortable is in open areas with strong winds. Heavy soils should be loosened up with sand because of the risk of waterlogging. Of course, the hyssop can also be cultivated in pots or tubs on the terrace or balcony. Our is ideally suited for this Plantura organic herb & seed compost. Basically, the container should be a little larger, as it can otherwise quickly become too narrow for the herb.

You can find detailed step-by-step instructions in our Hyssop growing instructions.

Hyssop in a flower bed in the garden
Hyssop thrives best in sunny locations [Photo: CHAIYA / Shutterstock.com]


There are several ways to multiply hyssop easily and quickly:

Increase hyssop by sowing

So that the small seedlings do not freeze to death, it is advisable not to sow hyssop outdoors until the beginning of May. However, young plants of the aromatic herb can also be grown on the windowsill. If the seeds are placed in a seed tray from mid-May, stronger young plants can be planted after the ice saints in mid-May.

Propagate hyssop by cuttings

In spring or summer, young shoots about 5 cm in length can be removed and best placed in a special substrate for propagating cuttings. It is an advantage if a flower or flower buds have not yet formed, as this requires unnecessary strength and makes rooting more difficult. For the time when the cuttings do not yet have roots, they should be kept at high humidity - for example in a nursery box with a plastic cover.

Increase hyssop by lowering

Since hyssop is a subshrub, it is not possible to multiply it by dividing it. Instead, however, it is possible to bend down relatively strong but still flexible shoots and fix them in the ground, for example with a wire. The tip of the shoot protrudes vertically from the earth and earth is piled up at the bending point. On the shoot, roots then form at the tied-down point and the newly created hyssop can be transplanted anywhere after being separated from the mother plant.

Pour hyssop and fertilize

The hyssop can cope with a dry place in the rock garden. If it is grown in a normal bed, it is therefore not necessary to water it. With the culture in the pot, however, an occasional supply of water must be made from time to time. However, waterlogging should be avoided at all costs so as not to provoke an infestation with life-threatening root fungi.

Purple hyssop flowers in the garden
Hyssop is extremely easy to care for [Photo: Kazakov Maksim / Shutterstock.com]

It doesn't take much to ensure the supply of nutrients, because hyssop has anything but high nutritional requirements. It is sufficient to fertilize your plant once a year - for example with ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer.

Cut hyssop

So that the hyssop, which is woody in the lower part of the plant, does not get out of shape and the shoots become sparse and bare, an annual topiary is advised. The plant can be shortened to a height of 10 cm. However, you must not cut into the woody parts of the plant, as the hyssop can no longer sprout here. The cut can be made in autumn, but it is even better to do it in spring before the new shoots. Then there is no threat of winter frost moving into the fresh interfaces and possibly letting parts of the shoots die off.

Regardless of whether the hyssop is cut in autumn or in spring, it should be protected before winter. The subshrub is relatively hardy, but prolonged, severe frosts can also affect it. More about Care and propagation of hyssop You will find here.

Harvest and store hyssop

Hyssop can be harvested continuously as long as there are fresh shoots and leaves on the plant. As with so many herbs, however, the herb is most aromatic when harvested just before long-lasting flowering from June to September. Either the leaves are plucked off individually, or entire shoots are cut off.

Bumblebee on a blue hyssop blossom
Bumblebees also love the nectar of the blue hyssop flowers [Photo: Rita Romanyshyn / Shutterstock.com]

In terms of flavor, it is the greatest pleasure when the hyssop is used fresh from the harvest. However, there are also ways to be able to use hyssop for a longer period after the harvest:

Drying hyssop

If hyssop is dried in a dry place at room temperature, it can be used as a dried spice for several months. If whole shoots are harvested, they can be easily hung up. When individual leaves are plucked, they are spread out on a towel to dry. However, due to drying, a slight loss of aroma has to be coped with.

Freeze hyssop

The hyssop's leaves can also simply be frozen and removed from the refrigerator as needed. The hyssop is available almost freshly harvested and without any loss of flavor intensity.

Insert hyssop

Like almost all Mediterranean herbs, hyssop can also be placed in oil or vinegar. The shoots must be completely surrounded by the liquid so that the harvested parts of the plant do not start to go moldy. After two weeks, oil or vinegar will have absorbed the aromas and can be used as a spicy tarragon oil or vinegar for cooking, marinating or for salad dressings.

Hyssop: use in the kitchen and in the garden

What is the aromatic herb used for, which is far too seldom found in the gardens at home?

Due to its strong aroma with a bitter note, hyssop is popular for sauces, salads and various meat dishes. The beautiful hyssop flowers are also edible and make a great addition to the plate as a stylish garnish. Taking it has a pleasant side effect: Just like the closely related sage, hyssop has a soothing effect on inflammation of the oral mucosa. It is also said to have a beneficial effect on sensitivities of the gastrointestinal tract. However, hyssop is no longer used as a medicinal product, as it can cause cramps in higher doses due to the ingredients it contains.

A very special property of hyssop makes it interesting for another use. It can be used as a natural plant protection product. Its intense smell and high content of its specific ingredients have a repellent effect on some pests such as caterpillars, Snails or Aphids. If other plants are susceptible to these pests, it can sometimes help to plant a hyssop in the immediate vicinity.

More about Harvest, storage and use of hyssop can be found in our special article.

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