Effects of catnip & its use in cats

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The catnip doesn't bear its name for nothing. Here's why cats are crazy about the herb and how to use catnip.

Cat with catnip
Most cats can't get enough of catnip [Photo: Anna Hoychuk / Shutterstock.com]

That Catnip (Nepeta) has a very special effect on cats, as most people know. But why the herb is so irresistible for cats and what else you can use catnip for, very few people are aware of it. In this article, we'll tell you how and why catnip has such an impact on cats and how you can use catnip in the kitchen and as a remedy.


  • How does catnip affect cats?
  • Why does catnip affect cats?
  • Uses and uses of catnip

Catnip is a popular plant in our gardens, rooms or on the balcony. It belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae) and there are over 50 different types of catnip worldwide. Their blossoms beckon Bees and other pollinators, they also do well in the herbaceous or scented bed. For us, the bushy plant with the blue or white flowers smells pleasantly of lemon and mint, hence the name. For cats, however, there seems to be even more odor behind it.

How does catnip affect cats?

If you have cats yourself, you might have seen it before: If our house tigers come into contact with the special mint, they suddenly behave extremely strangely. Catnip has a very special effect on almost all cats and even on their wild relatives - such as lions and tigers. The plant seems to exert a magical attraction on the animals. For most cats and hangovers, catnip leads to a euphoric, cranky state. Some animals even become hyperactive when they come into contact with catnip, they rub against the plant or even roll around in it. Other cats nibble on the leaves as well. With dried catnip, however, a completely different effect can be observed: Cats sometimes become very calm and relaxed when they come into contact. However, catnip does not have the same effect on all animals. Catnip sometimes leaves young animals cold.

Catnip with bee
Bees also feast on the catnip flowers [Photo: Sleepyhobbit / Shutterstock.com]

Tip: You can make the almost drug-like effect of catnip your own. For example, toys that have been rubbed with catnip will suddenly become very interesting again for your pet. This is especially useful for domestic cats who are reluctant to move around and have a little too much fat on their ribs.

Why does catnip affect cats?

Research has not fully clarified why cats are so excited about the special mint. What is certain, however, is that catnip contains the substance nepetalactone in its essential oils. Nepetalactone is probably used by the plant as a natural defense against insects and pests. This substance is very similar to the natural sex attractant found in cats. That would also explain why hangovers in particular are so fond of catnip. The cat's sex drive is stimulated by the smell of the plant - and it releases happiness hormones.

Catnip is completely non-toxic in small quantities and there is no need to panic if your cat should bite into a leaf of catnip. Exciting about 10 more plants that are safe for cats, you can also read in this special article.

Tip: The scent of catnip is not only beguiling for cats: also Lacewing are attracted by the smell of catnip. These are a natural enemy of Aphidsand also a pollinator for your plants.

Uses and uses of catnip

Aside from its aphrodisiac properties on cats, catnip can also be used by humans. Because of its pleasant scent, essential oil is made from catnip. This is said to have a deterrent effect on insects. Catnip is also said to have various medicinal properties. It has been used as a remedy since the Middle Ages.

A tea made from catnip
Catnip tea can be relaxing and calming [Photo: marisc / Shutterstock.com]

Catnip has the following properties:

  • Relaxing
  • Antispasmodic
  • Pain reliever
  • Digestive
  • Sweaty and diuretic

You can use catnip fresh or dried as a tea. To do this, the fresh or dried leaves and flowers are simply scalded with hot water and left to steep for five to ten minutes. Catnip was also used for toothache in the Middle Ages. All you have to do is chew some fresh leaves. So if you want to please your cat or if you want to enjoy catnip from your own garden or from the windowsill yourself, then read all about that here Plants of catnip after.