Large Rhenish Bohnapfel: Ripe & Use

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The Großer Rheinischer Bohnapfel originally comes from the Rhineland (before 1800) and bears firm, juicy apples with a slightly sour aroma.

  • Ripe for picking: late October to early November; Ripe for consumption: January to May
  • Rather small, barrel-shaped fruits with a green, slightly waxy skin
  • Juicy, firm pulp with a sour, slightly sweet taste
  • Use as cider, cooked and canned apples

I studied agricultural science in beautiful Weihenstephan. In addition to gardening (I mainly grow vegetables and herbs), my heart beats especially for the animal world. No matter if dog, guinea pig, hedgehog or bee - everyone should feel comfortable in my garden.
Favorite fruits: watermelons and raspberries
Favorite vegetable: potatoes

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