Everything about herbs: from planting to harvest

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The aromatic herb refines sweet desserts, sauces or punch bowls in spring. You can find out when and how to harvest woodruff correctly ..

The herb with the inconspicuous flower appears every spring in gardens and deciduous forests. You can find out how to grow woodruff in ..

Mint is an absolute classic in the herb bed. We present the best and most aromatic types of mint and show what they differ from each other ..

Cutting mint correctly: We show how and when to cut mint correctly and clarify what the pruning has to do with the flowering period.

The rosemary is quite frugal and does not need a lot of nutrients. We show you how to make your rosemary gently and ..

The healthy herb was long forgotten, but is currently becoming more popular again. We show what to look for when planting ..

The herb with the beautiful blue flowers has repeatedly fallen into disrepute for being poisonous. Here you can find out whether ..

Ribwort plantain is known from walks on wild meadows. We show that the supposed weed can also be used as a medicinal plant ...

Plantain is found everywhere in the wild - and can be very useful. We show why the broad-leaved plantain ..