Plant fertilizer: expert tips & special fertilizers

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Plants sometimes differ greatly in their requirements. We have summarized the most important information about special plant fertilizers.

Different types of fertilizer in plastic cups
Special fertilizers are often difficult for laypeople to distinguish and evaluate [Photo: Tasha Cherkasova /]

Wouldn't you, too, like to provide all of your darlings with the perfect supply in order to be rewarded with healthy growth, abundant flowering and delicious fruits? Unfortunately, for many motivated gardeners, a trip to the hardware store or the garden center often ends in being completely overwhelmed by the overcrowded fertilizer shelf. Meter-by-the-meter shelves full of green packaging with colorful prints will not only confuse you. For a better perspective on Buying fertilizer we have summarized the information about the most important fertilizers for you.


  • Why do plants need fertilizer?
  • Special plant fertilizers at a glance
    • Vegetable fertilizer
    • Tomato fertilizer
    • Flower fertilizer
    • Hydrangea fertilizer
    • Rose fertilizer
    • Universal fertilizer
    • Lawn fertilizer
    • Autumn lawn fertilizer

Fertilization is a complex issue, because the correct nutrient supply is determined by a number of factors. In this article we explain to you what plants actually need fertilizer for, and then present the properties of special fertilizers for vegetables, tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), flower, Hydrangeas (Hydrangea), Roses (pink), race and Autumn lawn as well as from Universal fertilizers before.

Why do plants need fertilizer?

Fertilizers contain nutrients that plants need to survive just like us humans. While they produce their own energy in the course of photosynthesis, fixing carbon from the air and from it As cell components build up, they take 14 different essential nutrients from the soil solution via the roots on. Some of these are also needed to build up structures, others are part of enzymes, DNA or RNA - or they are simply dissolved in the cell sap or the vacuole and fulfill their function there, for example through their electrical power Charge. None of the 14 essential nutrient elements should be missing if a plant is to live and reproduce. But you may be wondering why plants in natural locations can then grow without fertilization? In nature, nutrients move in cycles; Living beings die and rot, the nutrients bound in them are released and can be used by other living beings. In addition, nitrogen is constantly being transported from the air into the soil and nutrients are also very slowly released from the rock of the subsoil. By removing many parts of the plant in gardens every year through pruning, harvesting or mowing, we also remove nutrients from the system that we in turn have to replace. And since many plants also grow larger every year and thereby bind nutrients firmly in their structures, fertilization is also necessary regardless of this replacement. Our fertilization in the garden enables a concentration of nutrients in one place and thus a faster development of soil fertility.

Special plant fertilizers at a glance

When purchasing plant fertilizers, you can choose between different types. So are mineral fertilizers or organic, organic-mineral as well Organic fertilizer available. You can also choose between application in solid or liquid form and benefit from a possible long-term effect.

Vegetable fertilizer

Vegetable fertilizers contain the three main nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in roughly balanced proportions. Because there are low, medium and high consumers among the vegetable plants, the dosage is individually adapted to the crop. aubergine (Solanum melongena), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) are examples of very consuming vegetables. Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), carrots (Daucus carota) and Cucumber (Cucumis) are mean consumers while peas (Pisum), radish (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) and Lamb's lettuce (Valerianella) are among the weak eaters.

Cabbage in the garden
Cabbage varieties have a high nutritional requirement, which is why they are considered to be heavy eaters [Photo: ChameleonsEye /]

In addition, many cultures have an increased need for potassium, for example paprika (Capsicum), Tomatoes, Pumpkins (Cucurbita), Cucumber and potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). With an additional potassium fertilization, they show better growth and fruiting behavior. When it comes to fertilizing their food, many gardeners are rightly sensitive. Of course, high-quality mineral fertilizers are not necessarily contaminated with harmful substances, but also to keep your own garden sustainably fertile, it is worth using organic fertilizers such as our Plantura organic universal fertilizer to put. This special article informs you about various Vegetable fertilizer and Herbal manurethat you can apply to strengthen cultures.

Tomato fertilizer

Because tomatoes - as mentioned above - have a higher potassium requirement than other vegetable crops, special tomato fertilizers with a high concentration of potassium are available for them. You can of course also use such a fertilizer for other plants with similar needs: lettuce, potatoes, zucchini (Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo convar. giromontiina), strawberry (Fragaria), rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) and pumpkin love and need high levels of potassium as well. Because potassium is involved in building stable cell walls and regulating the water balance, it ensures plants that are stable, maximally drought-tolerant and pest-prone. Because firm, dense cell walls are more difficult for the proboscis of sucking insects to penetrate. Here you will find all information about special Tomato fertilizers. If, like us, you strive for a bio-sustainable supply of your garden, you can find out about the one we have developed here Plantura organic tomato fertilizer inform.

Plantura tomato fertilizer with potted plants
Our animal-free Plantura organic tomato fertilizer is ideal for fertilizing vegetables and fruits

Flower fertilizer

as Summer flowers are the term for free-flowering annual or perennial plants that are usually only planted or sown for one season. Because they are often colorful and intensely as well as lavishly blooming exotic species, varieties are bred primarily for beauty and Purchased plants come from intensive greenhouse production, these summer flowers place high demands on the supply at their end point - Your garden. And since many typical summer flowers get along well with a similar nutritional composition, it makes sense to use a special one Flower fertilizer at.

Plantura organic flower fertilizer
Our Plantura organic flower fertilizer provides your flowers with all the important nutrients in the long term

Especially when the planting bed is redesigned every year, the floor care should not be neglected, because By rummaging through the soil regularly, the soil life is strongly stimulated, which leads to the loss of humus can come. So that it doesn't come to that, we have our Plantura Organic flower fertilizer developed, which promotes humus reproduction through the input of organic material.

Tip for the correct humus management: Humus management refers to the treatment of soils designed to maintain or increase humus. Here you can read what the Humus content Your garden soil affects what you need to do to take advantage of the great properties of humus.

Hydrangea fertilizer

The attractive flowering hydrangeas are very popular in our gardens in many forms. It is common to all Hydrangea species their great hunger for nutrients and their preference for acidic locations. In fact, the variable color - sometimes blue, sometimes pink - is also the most widespread one Farm hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) due to the pH value of the adjacent soil. How exactly you Color hydrangeas blue can be found in our special article. Within the overall high nutrient requirement, potassium is absorbed by hydrangeas to a greater extent than phosphorus. At the Fertilizing hydrangeas you should therefore make sure you have a sufficient supply of potassium, otherwise frost damage and blooming failures are inevitable. In addition, all hydrangea species have a high demand for water. In the best case scenario, this is satisfied by a subsurface suitable for storing water. Because humus is an excellent water reservoir, the hydrangea is predestined to be supplied with an organic, humus-promoting fertilizer that is specially tailored to your needs. We have ours according to our ethical and ecological ideas Plantura organic hydrangea fertilizer developed, about the properties of which you can find out more here. A special fertilizer suitable for hydrangeas is - as long as it does not actively lower the pH value of the soil - for many other flowering shrubs such as Clematis (Clematis), Deutzien (Deutzia) and Philadelphus (Philadelphus) or Weigelien (Weigela) suitable.

Tip: The iron deficiency that is widespread in hydrangeas is also often due to an excessively high pH value in the soil. If the location of the plants is not sufficiently acidic, iron will be less present in the form available to the plants - and hydrangeas are inefficient at actively changing this.

Pink hydrangeas next to Plantura organic hydrangea fertilizer
Our Plantura organic hydrangea fertilizer provides your hydrangea with all the important nutrients and is environmentally friendly

Rose fertilizer

A good rose fertilizer ensures a slow release of nitrogen, covers the quite high Phosphorus and potassium needs of the garden queen and maintains or increases the soil quality so that the deep rooting rose can easily penetrate and search for their water in deeper layers. Such a supply makes it possible to form the often pompous flowers and rose hips and to withstand cold winter frosts and stinging-sucking pests as well as possible. To do this, the Fertilizing roses mainly organic, because organic fertilizers slowly release the nutrients they contain and it does not occur "Fattening", blooming rotten and disease-prone shoots, as is the case with a fast-acting nitrogen fertilization can. In addition, there is the soil fertilizing effect of the mainly organic fertilizers: Through the entry of nutrient-poor material Soil life is promoted, humus is maintained or newly formed, and the structure of the soil in this way loosened up. And because humus is an excellent reservoir for water and nutrients, your rose cannot get too much of it. Our Plantura organic rose fertilizer was developed according to the above criteria so that you have as much fun and less trouble with your roses as possible.

Tip: Exotic varieties in particular often have problems with late frosts in spring when they - after the biological clock of their origin set - drive out too early or their frost protection too early regress. A sufficient supply of potassium is particularly important for them.

Climbing roses behind the Plantura rose fertilizer
For the fertilization of roses, it is best to use a primarily organic fertilizer, such as our Plantura organic rose fertilizer

Universal fertilizer

They are not specific, but universally applicable Universal fertilizer. They are characterized by a balanced ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds and often also bring a range of different trace elements with them. Unfortunately, because they are not all chemically compatible with each other, at least the mineral variants never contain all trace elements. It looks different, of course, with organic universal fertilizers. Organic fertilizers always contain the trace elements necessary for plants in small but sufficient quantities. Universal fertilizers shouldn't be distributed everywhere too lightly, as some plants have needs so special that the nutritional balance is not necessarily good for them receives. But here, too, the following applies: With organic fertilization you are more likely to be on the safe side, because it only releases the nutrients it contains slowly. Acute fertilization damage is thus effectively avoided and the promotion of soil quality, which takes place in parallel, fortunately does not harm a single plant known to us. Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer is a good choice if you want to supply vegetables, berry bushes or herbs with high-quality fertilizer.

Basil is fertilized with Plantura universal fertilizer
A primarily organic fertilizer, such as the Plantura organic universal fertilizer, improves the soil structure and is particularly suitable for berry bushes, herbs and vegetables

Lawn fertilizer

Lawns in the garden are still very popular. As a permanent monoculture, it is certified as having an exhausting effect on the soil below. Unfortunately, this is also correct in many cases, because the lawn is considered a heavy consumer and suffers from mowing that is often too intensive in summer and from freezing ground in winter. By the wrong one Fertilizing the lawn this problem is exacerbated. A good lawn fertilizer works for a long time and maintains the soil under the lawn, so that soil organisms for good ventilation and Loosening and pulling dead material from the sward into the subsoil and turning them into humus or nutrients realize. If this is not the case, the lawn will become matted, which you will need to laboriously Scarifying have to fight. The nutrient composition of a lawn fertilizer should be nitrogen-focused in order to promote a dense lawn through the constant shoot and new tillage from below. But the supply of potassium should not be neglected either, because this is decisive for the water balance of Plants involved - a sufficient supply of potassium will save your lawn from long dry spells in dry conditions Summers. The requirements for soil maintenance, which ensures a well-ventilated subsoil and sufficient humus, can only be met by in first and foremost organic fertilizers are met, which is why we strictly advise against purely mineral fertilization of the lawn want. Our Plantura organic lawn fertilizer is a primarily organic lawn fertilizer that we developed based on the points mentioned above. He is to Care of the lawn after the winter suitable into summer.

Plantura organic lawn and autumn lawn fertilizer
Our Plantura organic lawn fertilizers are the perfect combination for your lawn

Autumn lawn fertilizer

In order to prepare a lawn for winter, an autumn lawn fertilizer must lower the nitrogen supply and increase the supply of potassium. A lawn that is too well supplied with nitrogen in autumn is susceptible to frost and if it has potassium is lacking that could be stored in the vacuole as an osmotically effective "antifreeze", all the more so more. The consequences are then frostbite of the stalks or whole plants. In the spring, such a damaged lawn is patchy and unfortunately these gaps are usually closed by more competitive wild herbs or moss. A special, nitrogen-reduced and potassium-emphasized autumn lawn fertilization brings your lawn through the winter unscathed, so that it can sprout again in the coming spring. Our Plantura organic autumn lawn fertilizer brings all the advantages of our Plantura Organic lawn fertilizer with itself, but due to its adapted composition it becomes the Winterize your lawn.