Tomato variety Hoffmanns Rentita: taste, cultivation & care

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‘Hoffmanns Rentita’ is a German bush tomato that is known for its spicy taste. We introduce the tomato to you and provide tips for growing it in your own garden.

Hoffmans Regina tomatoes
The juicy fruits of the ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ variety taste sweet-sour and fruity [Photo: AmiSaFer /]

The round, red tomato variety ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ is particularly suitable for growing outdoors and on the balcony. We present the compact bush tomato, describe its properties and the special features of cultivation.


  • Hoffmanns Rentita: Profile
  • History and origin of the tomato ‘Hoffmanns Rentita’
  • Characteristics and taste of the tomato variety
  • Growing and caring for Hoffmanns Rentita tomatoes
  • Harvest time and use of the Hoffmanns Rentita tomato

Hoffmanns Rentita: Profile

fruit Salad tomato; Red
taste juicy, fruity, sweet and sour
Ripening time medium early
growth Bush tomato, up to 50 cm
Location Outdoors, pot
Specialty determined variety

History and origin of the tomato ‘Hoffmanns Rentita’

The variety ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ comes from a breeding program of the company Samenzucht Hans Hoffmann OHG in Forchheim. The Upper Franconian bush tomato came onto the market as early as 1954 and has been preserved to this day. ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ is particularly space-saving and at the same time brings a high yield, which makes the variety very worth preserving.

Characteristics and taste of the tomato variety

The bush tomato ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ reaches a height of only about 50 centimeters. When ripe, the round to flat-round fruits turn deep red and weigh up to 80 grams. They ripen on the compact plant mid-early from the end of July. The taste of ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ is sweet-sour and fruity, the pulp juicy. The old German variety is seed-proof, you can use its fruits Obtain tomato seeds yourself and sow the ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ again next year.

The shrub of the Hoffmans Regina tomato variety
The bush tomato ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ should be well supported despite its compact growth

Growing and caring for Hoffmanns Rentita tomatoes

Both outdoors and in pots Balcony tomato the space-saving bush tomato ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ can be kept very well. It is also suitable as a Tomato in the raised bed. The robust, burst-resistant and disease-tolerant variety is easy to care for and hardly needs any attention until harvest. From mid-May, after the ice saints, the young plants can move outdoors and into large pots. To do this, fill the bucket with a special potting soil like ours Plantura organic tomato soil. The pre-fertilized substrate initially supplies the young plants with all the essential nutrients and does not require any peat.

As a bush tomato, ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ should not be exhausted, because blossoms and fruits quickly form on the thick, strong side shoots. However, it should be given a little support, after all, this variety bears plenty of fruit, the weight of which makes it tilt to one side easily. From June onwards, ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ will be happy about the first fertilization. We recommend the use of an organic liquid fertilizer, especially for potted tomatoes, but also for all other vegetable plants. Our Plantura tomato and vegetable fertilizer simplifies regular fertilization because it can simply be applied together with the irrigation water. The nutrients contained are directly available for the tomato plants and are therefore quickly absorbed.

Harvest time and use of the Hoffmanns Rentita tomato

The bush tomato ‘Hoffmanns Rentita‘ produces medium-sized and firm fruits. It is predestined to be eaten fresh - as a salad tomato or as a snack, it delights with its mild, fresh taste. However, the fruits can also be cooked or preserved. Further processing options can be found in our article " Preserving tomatoes“.

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