It works best with cuttings

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Propagate boxwood by dividing it

Some Boxwood varieties such as the popular edging book 'Suffruticosa' can be easily multiplied by division. Naturally, this only works with older and therefore larger specimens that are ten or more years old and have a correspondingly grown rhizome. The best time to share the Rhizome is late summer (September) or spring, preferably before budding. And this is how you do it:

  • Pierce the root ball all around with a spade away.
  • The radius should match the height of the plant.
  • Lift the book with the help of a Digging fork from the planting hole.
  • Place it on a firm surface.
  • Now divide the rhizome into two or more pieces.
  • Use a clean one for this spade, one saw or a sharp knife.
  • Disinfect the tools before use.

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Each part of the plant should have about two to three shoots. she plants

It is best to first place the individual segments in a pot with a calcareous plant substrate the young plant only moves to its new location when a strong root system has already developed Has. But you can also sit directly outside in a partially shaded to shady place, but then the failure rate is higher.

Vegetative propagation via cuttings

Propagation by offshoots or cuttings is also very uncomplicated. Cuttings that you can take between June and August.

Propagation by head cuttings

The so-called head cuttings are the shoot tips of the boxwood, which you cut off with a length between 15 and 20 centimeters for the purpose of propagation. Then pluck the leaflets from the lower third of the cutting and insert the cut end into it Rooting powder. Then plant the small cuttings in individual plant pots, water them thoroughly and keep the humidity high, for example with a plastic cover. However, if you want to care for the boxwood offspring in this way, you need patience: It takes around 18 to 24 years for the small cuttings to become young boxwood plants Months.

Propagation by cracks

The propagation by means of cracks works much faster:

  • If the mother plant is large, cut off a well-branched shoot.
  • Tear off the side shoots from the main shoot with a slight jerk.
  • Remove all leaves in the lower third.
  • Dip the cut ends in a rooting powder.
  • Plant the cracks directly in an outdoor propagation bed.
  • Prepare the bed well and loosen the soil.
  • Always keep the cracks slightly moist.
  • Cover the bed with fir or spruce branches in winter.

In the following spring, the crackling should develop the first tender shoots.


That Growing substrate(€ 12.99 at Amazon *) should be made germ-free before planting. To do this, put the substrate on a baking sheet, spray it with a little water and heat it in the oven at 150 ° C for 30 minutes.

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