Plant and care for ornamental plants correctly

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With their flowers, hibiscuses give every garden an exotic flair. Here you can find out everything about planting, cutting and caring for ...

The exotic hemp palm brings tropical flair to the house and garden. Everything you need to know about buying, growing and caring for the hemp palm ..

Hardly any other evergreen plant is as popular with us as the boxwood. What to do when planting, cutting and co ..

Instead of buying lots of new plants to plant a large box hedge, you can simply propagate your box yourself ...

The boxwood is very popular with us. But again and again the question arises whether the book really ...

Most fuchsias do not tolerate great cold. Find out how to support your fuchsia in winter and how to overwinter successfully.

Unsuitable environmental conditions can severely affect the beloved boxwood. We show how frost damage, sunburn and other damage can be recognized. Of the..

Many only know the exotic from cigarettes. Hardly anyone knows that you can also grow tobacco in your own garden ...

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