Growing cauliflower: plant & harvest

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Cauliflower is one of the most popular vegetables. Growing cauliflower in your own garden is easy if a few things are kept in mind.

Cultivation of cauliflower
Tasty and decorative in the garden: cauliflower [Photo: Luiza Kamalova /]

cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) is a member of the cabbage family and is slightly similar in appearance to the broccoli. It is very digestible, contains many valuable nutrients and has a fine, spicy taste. Just like broccoli, cauliflower also eats the inflorescences. We will tell you how to plant and harvest cauliflower yourself, which ones Cauliflower varieties are suitable for your garden and what you should consider when caring for cauliflower.


  • Growing cauliflower: location and requirements
  • Planting cauliflower: the right time
  • Sowing cauliflower or buying plants?
    • Propagate cauliflower: sow seeds
    • Buying cauliflower plants: what to look out for
  • Caring for cauliflower
    • Water and fertilize cauliflower properly
    • Protect cauliflower from the sun
    • Protect cauliflower from pests
  • Types of cauliflowers: variety in taste and appearance
    • White cauliflower varieties
    • Colored cauliflower varieties
  • Harvest cauliflower properly
    • Cauliflower harvest time
    • How to harvest cauliflower
  • Freeze and store cauliflower
    • Storing cauliflower: cut and clean cauliflower properly
    • Freeze cauliflower
    • Pickle cauliflower

Growing cauliflower: location and requirements

The cauliflower is a little more demanding than its close relatives. With a little patience and instinct, however, you can grow the fine-flavored crucifer yourself. Cauliflower is one of the most powerful vegetables. So it is important that you prepare a nutrient-rich location for it and ensure that there is sufficient water supply. Before planting the cauliflower, loosen the bed deeply and enrich the soil with compost or a nutrient-rich one Organic tomato & vegetable soil at. The cauliflower prefers full sun, but can also thrive in partial shade.

Planting cauliflower: the right time

You can buy your cauliflower as a seedling or accompany it from the seed stage. If you choose cauliflower plants from a specialist retailer, you can plant the seedlings in the bed in April. If you want to grow your own cauliflower plants, you should start in a warm place in February.

Note: If the outside conditions are good, direct sowing can also take place from mid-April.

Planting the cauliflower seedlings
The cauliflower plants can be planted in April [Photo: zlikovec /]

Sowing cauliflower or buying plants?

As with many other vegetables, the question arises: should I buy cauliflower seeds or rely on seedlings from specialist stores? Both options are promising. We explain the advantages and disadvantages and reveal what to look for when buying cauliflower plants.

Propagate cauliflower: sow seeds

You can start sowing the cauliflower seeds in February. Set plates are suitable for this and are best filled with potting soil. The seeds should not be covered with more than 5 mm of soil. After sowing the cauliflower, you should place your planting trays in a warm and light place, preferably on a radiator. Cauliflower seeds are available from € 0.29 in well-stocked specialist shops or online.

Tip: You don't have a suitable window sill with a radiator? No problem! Heating mats are affordable and can keep your seedlings in the perfect temperature zone. This is how you feel particularly comfortable! Heating mats are available from around € 25.

Buying cauliflower plants: what to look out for

There is now a large selection Cauliflower speciesthat can be bought as seedlings. A setting plate with 6 to 8 plants is available from 1.79 €. Depending on when you want to harvest your cauliflower and what your requirements are in terms of taste, color and consistency, you should carefully consider the choice of variety beforehand.

Cauliflower seedlings in the pot
The small cauliflower seedlings should be stable [Photo: Doidam 10 /]

Tip: You might also try it Romanesco cabbage. It is very similar to cauliflower, but a bit spicier in taste.

Note: When planting out your seedlings, make sure that you have enough space (40 to 80 cm row spacing) so that the cauliflower can unfold freely on all sides.

From the seed to the adult plant - the most important things in brief:

  • Sow cauliflower on nursery plates from mid-February
  • Cover the seeds only lightly (max. 5 mm loose soil layer)
  • Place the plates in a warm place (if necessary Heating mats)
  • Water carefully and evenly (avoid waterlogging!)
  • From April small cauliflower seedlings can be planted in the bed

Caring for cauliflower

Cauliflower requires some attention when it comes to caring for it. The better you take care of your cauliflower, the more successful you will be with it Cauliflower Harvest be rewarded. We explain the most important steps of cauliflower care below.

yellow cauliflower
If the flower is not protected from the sun, it can turn yellow [Photo: Amam ka /]

Water and fertilize cauliflower properly

Since the cauliflower is a vigorous and vigorous vegetable, it is important to water it regularly. The soil should always be kept moist, but waterlogging should be avoided in any case! A primarily organic long-term fertilizer such as our Plantura is recommended for fertilization Organic tomato fertilizerthat boosts soil life. This is worked into the soil once when planting out and a second time about two months later.

Attention: However, stop fertilizing at least 3 weeks before the cauliflower harvest so that it can develop a better flavor. It doesn't hurt to regularly loosen the soil between the rows and remove the weeds. The troubles will be reflected in bigger heads!

Protect cauliflower from the sun

A lot of sunlight supports the cauliflower during the growth phase. Shortly before the harvest, however, the white heads in particular should be protected from excessive solar radiation. To do this, bend the surrounding leaves in the middle over the cauliflower head. The plant suffers only minimal damage. If you do without the so-called "covering", the cabbages turn yellow to purple, depending on the variety, but remain completely edible.

Protect cauliflower from pests

At the beginning of growth, the small cauliflower plants in particular are very susceptible to diseases and pests. The typical crop rotation diseases of the Brassicacasuch as B. Carbonic hernia, can best be treated preventively by taking a longer break from cultivation (at least 2-3 years) at the respective location.

Cauliflower with cabbage moth scale
A common pest on cauliflower is the cabbage moth scale [Photo: Afanasiev Andrii /]

Against animal pests like the Cabbage white butterfly and the Cabbage fly, there is a wide range of biological control agents. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize the infestation early on and to take measures, as otherwise the infestation pressure could be too high for the plant to fully recover.

Types of cauliflowers: variety in taste and appearance

Colored ones Cauliflower varieties comes in green, purple and orange. These are nutritionally more valuable due to a higher concentration of vitamins and other ingredients. However, growers still find it difficult to sell colored varieties in Germany. While consumers in southern Italy willingly and willingly reach for colored cauliflower, German customers often disdain this vegetable. In the case of the colored varieties, the heads are often not completely enclosed by the outer leaves. The solar radiation then ensures the formation of the color pigments. Colored varieties usually have a more intense taste than the classic white cauliflower.

colorful cauliflower varieties
Cauliflower doesn't have to be white [Photo: Pixel-Shot /]

White cauliflower varieties

  • alpha: Early ripening and tasty variety with white heads.
  • Igloory: Proven variety for early, summer and autumn cultivation with large, pure white flowers; usually survives the first night frosts without any problems.
  • Walcheren winter: Winter hardy variety that is sown in July and harvested the following year; A protective fleece in winter is still advisable, as the variety usually cannot cope with temperatures below -12 ° C; is harvested in April of the following year.
  • Erfurt dwarf: Particularly robust variety that can be grown early in the year; the heads are a bit smaller than in modern varieties, but the Erfurt dwarf has fewer demands on culture.
  • Multi Head (F1): Early variety that develops flowers on the side shoots as well as the main flower; if the main flower is harvested early, this encourages the growth of the side flowers; Due to its growth, Multi Head is an extraordinary variety that, similar to broccoli, can be harvested several times.

Colored cauliflower varieties

  • Cheddar (F1): Newer breed with orange flowers, which are said to be particularly rich in beta-carotene.
  • Di Sicilia Violetto: Italian variety with purple heads; very popular in Italy because of its intense and aromatic taste.
  • Grafitti: Purple variety that is suitable for both summer and winter cultivation; very aromatic; turns green during cooking; If you want to fully enjoy the valuable ingredients of the purple cauliflower heads, you can also chop up the Grafitti flowers and add raw vegetables to salads.
  • Rosalind: Medium to late ripening varieties with a beautiful color and medium-sized flowers; When ripe, the heads of Rosalind are reddish (partly red-violet) in color; very rich in vitamins C and A.

If you need help with the Selection of varieties of cauliflower need a look over here.

Harvest cauliflower properly

As with cauliflower growing, the Cauliflower-E.ran some things to consider. We give brief instructions and show what is important.

Cauliflower harvest time

Cauliflower can be harvested 8 to 12 weeks after planting, in July and early August. However, the harvest time can vary greatly depending on whether the cauliflowers are early or late.

harvested cauliflower
Depending on the cauliflower variety, harvest time is high summer [Photo: AlafStudio /]

How to harvest cauliflower

To harvest the cauliflower, simply cut it off below the inflorescence on the stem. A sharp knife should be used so that you injure your cauliflower head as little as possible.

Tip: Do not remove the leaves directly from the cauliflower head, this will keep it fresher longer.

Freeze and store cauliflower

The cauliflower harvest is often very abundant, so that you cannot use all the cabbages right away. We'll tell you briefly what the Storage and preservation of cauliflower arrives.

Storing cauliflower: cut and clean cauliflower properly

A sharp knife should always be used when harvesting cauliflower in order to leave the cut as smooth as possible and undamaged. Before eating, you should definitely brush the cauliflower florets so that it does not grind between your teeth when you eat them. To do this, remove the outer leaves, chop the cauliflower and hold it under running water. After that, you can put the washed cauliflower in a colander to drain. All dirt residues should now be removed.

Use of the cauliflower
There are many ways to prepare cauliflower in the kitchen [Photo: Oliverouge 3 /]

Freeze cauliflower

Unlike some of its relatives, cauliflower can be frozen without first being blanched. To prepare, all you need to do is remove all the leaves and wash the cabbage thoroughly. Cut to the desired size, the cauliflower can then be frozen directly.

Pickle cauliflower

Pickling is an alternative to freezing cauliflower. There are of course many recipes and variants, although the basic procedure does not differ. First of all, the cauliflower should be cleaned and cut. Then cook your cauliflower until it is just firm to the bite. Keep the cooking water and use it to boil all the other ingredients in it again (onions, dill, mustard, etc.). Pour the resulting brew, including all the ingredients, over the cauliflower and then let it cool. After it has completely cooled down, you can fill the cauliflower into jars and seal them.

In its appearance, the cauliflower resembles another delicious vegetable - that broccoli. We introduce you to the green cabbage plant.

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