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Big, bigger, giant orchid: we will show you how you can transform a normal orchid into a giant flower dream with very simple means.

Math, English, plant production? We'll tell you why children should learn about growing food at school too ...

When a pumpkin is almost the size of a small car, either magic or the art of cultivation is involved. More..

Autumn is here and with it ten great types of vegetables, which are also wonderful in stormy weather and colder temperatures.

You don't need a garden for these ten fruits, because they can also grow in pots without any problems and are therefore ideal.

Like the seed, so the harvest: we will show you how you can use your favorite plants to produce seeds for the next year.

Isn't patience your forte? No problem, you can almost watch these ten vegetables grow. It takes time to be as you like it.

There is space in the smallest hut - even for a vegetable patch. We will show you ten plants that can also be used in the ..

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