Questions and answers on the subject of gardens and plants

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A sun hat is a must in any garden in summer. Here you can find out everything you need to know about planting coneflowers in terms of location.

You can never have enough blooming and frugal plants. We show how the propagation of coneflowers by cuttings and co ...

So that the sun hat does not grow too much, it has to be cut back from time to time. We show what you can do when cutting ..

The rapidly growing wisteria needs additional nutrients on a regular basis. We show when, how and with what wisteria is best fertilized. Who..

The rumor of poisonous ivy persists. We research and clarify whether ivy for children, cats, dogs and ..

Yellow discoloration of ivy leaves often indicates improper care. Here's how to avoid yellow leaves on ivy ..

As beautiful as it is, ivy can also quickly overgrow the garden. We show how to successfully fight unwanted ivy ..

The evergreen ivy is very popular in home gardens. Here you can find out what to do when propagating ivy from cuttings ..

Even if ivy is very sturdy, a little care every now and then won't hurt. We show what you can do when pouring, ..

So that ivy doesn't suddenly overgrow everything, it should be pruned regularly. We show what to do when cutting ivy.