Spring flowers: The most beautiful flowers in spring

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With these ten flowers you can also introduce spring into your garden. Find out which spring flowers bloom particularly beautifully in this article.

Field with colorful spring flowers
Leave the dreary winter behind and bring color to your garden [Photo: EllenSmile / Shutterstock.com]

When the degrees on our thermometers slowly rise again and the first Sunbeams illuminate the cold, gray winter landscape, nature awakens from her again Hibernation. Dainty spring flowers make their way through the thin snow cover and delight us with their bloom and simple beauty. They are a welcome change from the bare trees and the muddy snow and give us the long-awaited spring fever. Here you can find out which ten spring flowers should definitely not be missing in your garden.


  • 1. Daffodils
  • 2. crocus
  • 3. Tulips
  • 4. Primroses
  • 5. snowdrop
  • 6. Spanish rabbit bell
  • 7. hyacinth
  • 8. Ranunculus
  • 9. lily of the valley
  • 10. Reticulated Iris

1. Daffodils

As Easter approaches, the daffodil, which belongs to the amaryllis family, will increasingly bloom in meadows and gardens. Because of its flowering time between February and May, the daffodil is also known as the daffodil and is very popular thanks to its splendor of colors. Whether yellow, white or orange: With almost 24,000 cultivated forms, the daffodil has a large selection of color and species variations. But the flower is not only beautiful to look at, it is also easy to plant. Whether in a bed, in a pot or in a normal meadow, the daffodil is content with almost any location. How you can easily

Grow daffodils yourself you can find out in this article.

yellow daffodils in the garden
With the first warmer days in spring, daffodils open their flowers [Photo: SUPPARERK JIRAMEKIN / Shutterstock.com]

2. crocus

Just like the daffodil, the one belonging to the iris family blooms crocus in the spring months between February and April. The crocus can be recognized by its mostly purple, blue, white or yellow colored spots on its delicate petals. With its bright colors, it not only delights its garden owners, but is also an important source of supply for bumblebees and bees in the still sparsely overgrown winter landscape.

Purple crocuses in the garden
The crocus inspires with its strong colors at the beginning of the gardening year [Photo: Maleo / Shutterstock.com]

3. Tulips

Most likely associate the tulip with its largest exporter and grower: The Netherlands. In the past, the lily plant was considered priceless. Entire existences perished from the widespread tulip mania. Today it is available to everyone and, thanks to its biodiversity of more than 5,000 subspecies, is very popular all over the world. The tulip comes in almost every imaginable color and is also very easy to plant at home. Like herself Planting tulips you can find out in this article.

orange-red tulips close in the garden
The tulip comes in almost every imaginable color [Photo: Old Man Stocker / Shutterstock.com]

4. Primroses

As the Latin translation of the primrose “Primula” (“the first”) suggests, it is one of the first spring flowers to bloom at the beginning of the year. The primrose plants, which are available in a wide variety of colors, can be sown in your own garden or light up your own four walls as indoor plants. Construction stores and supermarkets offer the early bloomer extremely inexpensive in all imaginable shapes and colors. Anyone interested in cultivating the colorful plants in their own home or garden should read our article about the Growing primroses read.

Pink primroses in the garden
Primroses with their colorful flowers are popular heralds of spring [Photo: Mali lucky / Shutterstock.com]

5. snowdrop

When the frosty temperatures have our forests and gardens firmly in their hands and there is no end of winter in sight, there is a glimmer of hope: the snowdrop. This flower with its delicate white blossoms, which - as the name of the plant already suggests - is reminiscent of snow, gives off spring fever even in colder temperatures. The main season for the snowdrop is usually from December to April. The herbaceous plant, which is actually native to the Mediterranean, has also made it into our gardens and meadows and has delighted us with its sight in the cold winter time ever since. You can find out how you can easily plant the snowdrop in your garden in our special article on Planting snowdrops.

Snowdrops in the garden
You can enjoy the delicate white flowers from October to April [Photo: Real Moment / Shutterstock.com]

6. Spanish rabbit bell

If you live in a rather shady location, but still want to look forward to colorful spring flowers in the garden, you should look for the Spanish rabbit bell (Hyacinthoides hispanica) Keeping an eye out. The plants bear white, pink or blue bluebells from late May to June, which are clustered together in loose clusters. Insects also enjoy the bell-shaped flowers. If you can offer the Spanish rabbit bell a slightly acidic, nutrient-rich and fresh clay soil, the spring flower feels particularly good and needs almost no maintenance work.

Spanish rabbit bell with blue flowers
The Spanish rabbit bells are particularly beautiful spring flowers [Photo: Andrew Linscott / Shutterstock.com]

7. hyacinth

One of the typical spring flowers is definitely the hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis-Hybrids): With its dense clusters of bell-shaped flowers, the flower adorns every garden in spring. Between April and May the hyacinths show themselves in full splendor and exude an intense, sweet-heavy smell. The garden flowers are also popular because of their great variety of colors: hyacinths are available in almost every color nuance from white to pink and red to orange, blue or purple. Bees and bumblebees also love the plant and often fly to it in spring. If you want to grow the spring flowers in the garden, you should pay attention to a sunny, warm place with loose, mineral soil. But the hyacinth also cuts a fine figure in a flower box or as a spring cut flower. As Maintain hyacinths you should find out here.

pink and purple hyacinths
Hyacinths are particularly popular because of their variety of colors [Photo: ajisai13 / Shutterstock.com]

8. Ranunculus

The colorful ranunculus (Ranunculus asiaticus). The beautiful spring flowers are valued above all for their great variety: In addition to numerous variations in height Above all, there are countless color variations - classic white and subtle pink to bright yellow or two-tone flowers. In addition, a distinction can be made between filled and unfilled flowers in ranunculus, whereby only the latter can be used as a source of food for bees and other beneficial insects. Thanks to their colorful appearance, ranunculus are not only used as garden plants, but are also wonderfully suitable as cut flowers for a spring bouquet. They are also ideal as spring flowers in pots. Would you like that Plant ranunculus, it is advisable to choose a partially shaded place with a moist substrate. Waterlogging should be avoided with the spring flower in any case, which is why it is important to ensure good drainage.

colorful ranunculus
One of the most diverse types of flowers in spring is the ranunculus [Photo: liu yu shan / Shutterstock.com]

9. lily of the valley

With their delicate, white bluebells, lilies of the valley (Convallaria majalis) a magical sight. Lilies of the valley show their flowers from March to June and spread their sweet scent. The spring flower is not only valued by people, it is also an important source of food for bees and other insects. Since the lily of the valley is a typical forest plant, it also prefers a partially shaded to shady location. In addition, you should be at the Plants of the lily of the valley Put on a moist and humus-rich soil with an acidic pH. As a cut flower, the graceful spring flower is also suitable for indoors, but here it should be out of the reach of children and animals, as that Lily of the valley poisonous is.

blooming lilies of the valley
The lily of the valley is one of the most popular flowers in spring [Photo: Cora Mueller / Shutterstock.com]

10. Reticulated Iris

With a flowering period from February to March, the reticulated iris (Iridodyctium reticulata) to the first spring flowers in the new year. The flowers develop into a real eye-catcher in spring with their bright blue, sometimes purple or white colored flowers. The flowers, which are up to eight centimeters in size, give off an intense smell in some varieties and are also popular with insects. Although the spring flowers are considered extremely adaptable, they are best as Plants for the rock garden suitable. Here they feel particularly comfortable in a sunny location with well-drained and summer-dry soil.

Reticulated iris with blue flowers
The reticulated iris is one of the flowers in the rock garden that bloom in spring [Photo: Elizant3 / Shutterstock.com]

These 10 spring flowers manage to drive away the dreary winter feelings and ring in the upcoming spring time. With the little plants blooming, summer is slowly in sight.

When summer arrives, your garden will transform itself with these Summer flowers into a true flower paradise.