Wild herbs in winter »You can harvest these in the cold season

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Fresh green in winter

If you look closely, you will quickly notice: Nature is also green in winter. More modest than usual and maybe a little more hidden. The milder the days, the more likely you will encounter a large number of the wild herbs listed below. Its leaves are particularly delicate and can be collected.

  • Nettle
  • daisy
  • Gundermann
  • clover
  • Garlic mustard
  • Clove root
  • Pennywort
  • sorrel
  • Ribwort plantain
  • Chickweed
  • Meadow bedstraw
  • Meadow foam herb

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  • Plant wild herbs - they will also thrive at home
  • Wild herbs in the lawn - often annoying, occasionally welcome
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Root enjoyment in winter

Throughout the summer, the roots of the wild plants have regained their strength and increased in size. If you can clearly see the plants listed below even when they are wilted, you can use the shovel.

  • mugwort
  • Plantain
  • Real marshmallow
  • Angelica
  • Earth chestnut
  • Big burdock
  • Little Bibernelle
  • dandelion
  • horseradish
  • Evening primrose
  • Clove root
  • Soapwort
  • Ribwort plantain
  • Wild carrot


Most interesting are certainly the roots of the burdock and the

Evening primrose. They taste similar to black salsify when cooked.

  • Wild herbs from the freezer

Edible wild herbs in winter it is not always necessary to collect in the forest or in the meadows when it is freezing cold. Some species are not fresh at this time of year anyway. Just collect a lot Wild herbs in springwhen the offer is almost unlimited.

You can use the freshly collectedFreeze wild herbs and thus extend their shelf life up to 12 months. Almost all types are suitable for staying in the freezer. The supply gap outside of their collection time is thus closed.

Fermented wild herbs

In summer, when collecting is easy, you can Ferment wild herbs. A fermentation pot, good fungal or bacterial cultures and a little salt, that's all you need. The wild herbs retain their valuable ingredients and get a good taste.


You can dry some wild herbs for the winter. This is usually advisable if they are used to prepare tea.