This is how it works in oil or vinegar

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Wild garlic buds: an extraordinary specialty

When a delicate scent of garlic wafts through forests and green spaces in spring, the time has come: the spicy wild garlic shoots out of the ground.
If you start collecting at the right time, you can not only harvest the tender and tasty wild garlic leaves, but also the still closed plump wild garlic buds. They become a specialty that not everyone has in their pantry. Before the wild garlic blossoms glow white, you should have finished your harvest, as the leaves then lose their aroma and the bud time is over.

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  • Plum or plum? - Small, subtle differences
  • Recognize and use wild garlic flowers
  • Put in wild garlic and make it durable

Pickled wild garlic buds

With the following recipe you can quickly and easily preserve wild garlic buds in vinegar water:

  1. Wash the wild garlic buds, sort out those that are already opening, and remove excessively long stems.
  2. Let the buds dry on a kitchen towel.
  3. Prepare plenty of vinegar with which you will fill up the glasses later: vinegar and water in the Ratio 1: 1 are used together with salt, a little sugar and, if desired, other spices for cooking brought.
  4. Fill the prepared wild garlic buds into sterile jars.
  5. Pour the hot vinegar over them, fill the glasses to the brim and close them carefully.
  6. If you want to make sure that the wild garlic buds will last, you can boil the jars at 90 ° C for half an hour. If you have worked quickly and hygienically, the hot-filled buds will last for several months even without this step.
  7. Shake the jars every few days to avoid leaving air bubbles between the buds.
  8. Let the pickled wild garlic buds steep for at least two weeks so that they can develop their full aroma and use them up within a year.

Soak the wild garlic buds in oil

Soaking them in oil also tickles a fine taste out of the wild garlic buds. The following is a simple basic recipe that you can supplement with a variety of spices:

  1. Prepare the wild garlic buds as described above.
  2. Put water and vinegar in a ratio of 2: 1 with a little salt in a sufficiently large saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  3. Blanch the wild garlic buds in portions.
  4. Mix the buds in a bowl with a good olive oil and spices to taste.
  5. Pour the mixture into sterile jars, fill them to the brim with oil and close them carefully.
  6. Let the buds grow for several weeks and use them within six months.

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