Caring for lemongrass: planting, cutting & Co.

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Lemongrass is one of THE spices from Asian cuisine. Here we show you the care required for successful cultivation.

sliced ​​lemongrass
About 5 cm should remain so that the lemongrass sprouts again [Photo: Anthony CrampCC BY 2.0]

Plant lemongrass

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) must be grown in a pot at least for wintering due to its pronounced sensitivity to frost. But for the summer months it makes sense to plant the sweet grass in a sunny spot in the bed. If the soil is permeable and yet rich in humus, there is a good supply of nutrients and good water flow in the soil for optimal lemongrass growth. A more even water supply is given when growing in beds compared to potted cultivation. Due to the much larger root space, you have to water less often. By the way, it is beneficial to repot in fresh substrate and a larger substrate in the spring or incorporate organic fertilizers into the soil before planting the lemongrass will.

Cut lemongrass

A cultural or educational cut, as is known, for example, from woody herbs, is not necessary with lemongrass. Likewise, unlike other grasses, it does not have to be cut back completely in autumn or early spring because the lemongrass is evergreen and the above-ground parts are not at the turn of the year die. Regular, partial pruning rejuvenates the plant and encourages the continuous growth of fresh stalks. If the grass is warm and sunny in winter, the spice can be harvested even in winter.

Hibernate lemongrass

Lemongrass is native to tropical and subtropical areas. It cannot do anything with our frosty winter temperatures. That is why it has to be looked after in winter if you want to enjoy the spicy sweet grass beyond the winter. Either you cultivate it continuously in pots, or you plant it in the bed for the summer months. In any case, the lemongrass must spend the winter in a warm and sunny place. Ideally, it shouldn't be colder than 10 ° C in this location. If these needs of the frost-sensitive evergreen lemongrass are taken into account, can also be harvested in winter and it will shoot again vigorously next spring to convince.

Lemongrass can be harvested all year round. We explain how to Lemongrass is harvested and stored properly.

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