Planting pineapples: instructions & tips for growing

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The tropical fruit can easily be grown on the windowsill. We'll show you what you need to know about planting and propagating pineapples.

Home-grown pineapple
You can also grow pineapples on the windowsill or in the conservatory - we'll tell you how

the pineapple (Pineapple comosus or Pineapple sativus) is one of the most popular tropical fruits and can actually be found in every supermarket. The family member of the Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) can also be grown at home. We'll show you how it works.


  • Pineapple: ways of growing
  • The perfect location for the pineapple
  • Growing and planting pineapples
  • Growing pineapple: instructions

Pineapple: ways of growing

Pineapples can be grown in different ways: Either you buy a young pineapple plant or you leave a pineapple with the Regrowing method grow back. The simplest and risk-free option is of course to buy a young plant that has already been grown. However, pineapple plants are not that easy to find in our latitudes. Growing back requires a bit of horticultural skill and patience in order to be able to harvest your first pineapple yourself at some point, but it is much cheaper. Whichever option you ultimately choose, we have worked out instructions for you in this article for both variants.

Regrowing a pineapple
Pineapples can be grown both through purchased young plants and through the regrowing method

The perfect location for the pineapple

The pineapple comes from the tropics and therefore likes it warm and humid all year round. That is why it can only be grown indoors in our pots. She particularly likes a sunny spot on the windowsill (but not directly above the heater) or in the sun-drenched and heated winter garden. It thrives best when temperatures are consistently between 25 and 30 ° C. If the thermometer falls below 16 ° C, the tropical fruit gets too cold. So you should avoid that as much as possible. A high level of humidity is also important for the pineapple; it should be at least 60 percent. The best way to do this is to regularly spray the plant with water. The pineapple also needs to be well ventilated, so place it in a place where the air can always circulate well. On the other hand, she doesn't like drafts at all.

The pineapple does not make any great demands on the substrate in the pot, it should only be loose and permeable. A high mineral content in the substrate is also advantageous. The ideal pH value for pineapples is around 5.

What is the perfect location for the pineapple?

  • Sunny
  • No blazing midday sun
  • Warm, between 25 and 30 ° C
  • Never below 16 ° C
  • Humidity min. 60%
  • Well ventilated but no drafts
  • Loose, well-drained substrate with a high mineral content
  • Optimal pH: 5

Growing and planting pineapples

Before you plant your pineapple, first prepare the pot and substrate. Choose a sufficiently large planter, as the pineapple grows very large and sprawling. In addition, the pot should have a drainage hole and a saucer. Then put a drainage layer in the pot so that no waterlogging occurs. To do this, fill expanded clay or potsherds into the planter. Now mix the soil by adding one part sand and half a part coconut fiber to three parts of ordinary potting soil. You can also enrich the substrate with a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect in order to provide the pineapple with sufficient nutrients from the outset. Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer contains all the important nutrients for pineapples and also releases them gently and slowly to the plant.

The pineapple needs a suitable container and the right substrate to grow [Photo: Gheorghe Mindru /]

Now fill the planter one third with substrate. There the pineapple plant is placed in the middle. Then fill the pot with the rest of the substrate and water everything well. Remove excess water from the planter after a few minutes.

How is the pineapple planted correctly?

  • Select a suitable planter
  • Mix the substrate and enrich it with a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect
  • Create a drainage layer
  • Fill the pot one third full with substrate
  • Insert the plant in the middle
  • Fill the pot with substrate
  • Pouring on

Growing pineapple: instructions

Instead of growing them the traditional way, pineapples can simply be regrowed using the regrowing method. First of all, of course, you need the fruit itself. This should have healthy foliage and be medium-ripe. The upper part of the pineapple is cut off with a sharp knife. Also, cut off all the pulp around the stalk so that only this one remains. The lowest leaves on the stem should also be carefully peeled off from top to bottom. About ten leaves should remain. It is important that the stalk, including the tuft of leaves, remains intact, as otherwise no healthy roots can form for the new plant. Alternatively, you can twist the stalk out of the fruit - this saves you having to cut it.

Removed stem of a pineapple
To allow it to grow back, the stalk is cut off and excess leaves are removed

Now put the pineapple stalk in a vessel with water. The lower part of the stalk should be surrounded by water. A light and above all warm location is very important for this step. After all, the pineapple doesn't like the cold at all. You should also change the water regularly. After a while you will see the first roots. If new roots have formed from the pineapple stalk, this can be planted in a container with substrate. An extremely bright and warm location with a high level of humidity is also important here.

A window sill with a lot of daylight is certainly particularly suitable, but not directly above a heater. Now you have to wait, because it can take up to two years for the plant to grow back and bear its own fruit. Regular watering should of course not be forgotten.

Step-by-step instructions Growing pineapple:

  1. Select healthy, medium-ripe fruit
  2. Cut off the stalk with a sharp knife or twist it out
  3. Remove all pulp from the stalk
  4. All superfluous leaves except for approx. 10 remove
  5. Put the stalk in the water
  6. Set up in a light and warm location
  7. Change the water regularly
  8. As soon as roots have formed, plant in substrate

tip: Not only pineapples can be propagated via regrowing. In the book "Regrow your veggies”By our Plantura co-founders Melissa Raupach and Felix Lill you will find detailed step-by-step instructions for regrowing over 20 delicious types of fruit and vegetables.

More information about the Pineapple care and harvest we have compiled for you in our overview article.