Cherry laurel Genolia: properties & how to buy

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The column cherry laurel 'Genolia' grows quickly to a slim and dense leaf front, which makes it ideal for small gardens and narrow beds.

Cherry laurel with closed flowers
The ‘Genolia’ variety is ideal for narrow beds [Photo: FMB /]

The column cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus 'Genolia') owes its name to the straight, slender growth that this Cherry laurel variety makes it the ideal plant for narrow beds. But it shines as a solitary plant as well as a hedge plant and helps even small city gardens and narrow beds to have lush greenery all year round.

Despite the considerable annual growth of up to 40 centimeters, the column cherry laurel has to 'Genolia' can only be cut sparsely, which means that the maintenance required when planting hedges is minimal can be. Otherwise, this robust and frost-hardy variety is rather undemanding. Their easy-care character is particularly evident in the soil conditions. Nevertheless, it is important to avoid a high lime content and, above all, waterlogging.

Varietal characteristics of cherry laurel Genolia

Unlike, for example, the variety 'Etna‘'Genolia' also does not tolerate fully shaded locations. In return, the variety is considered to be particularly wind-resistant. This property as well as the dense growth make them a good choice, especially for hedge planting. You should plant two to three specimens per meter, depending on the size. In particular, the narrow growth width of just one meter makes them suitable for creating a year-round, intensely dark green view and wind protection in gardens of all sizes. It reaches heights of up to 3.5 meters, which not least benefit privacy. The leathery-looking leaves are narrow and oval in shape. From May to June the evergreen columns are adorned with a veritable sea of ​​fragrant white flower clusters, whereby the fruit formation is still quite low.

Genolia cherry laurel with opened flowers in the garden
The white flowers spread a pleasant scent from May to June [Photo: FMB /]

Buy Genolia cherry laurel: what should be considered?

Before buying, it is important to check whether the site conditions are suitable for 'Genolia' or whether there is perhaps another cherry laurel variety that suits your garden better. When it comes to the selection, you should consider each plant for itself: Are the leaves of the plant a strong dark green? Is the root ball well developed? Can damage or harmful infestations be discovered on the plant? These questions - just like the growing and storage conditions - provide information about the health of the plant.

Recommended sources of supply for cherry laurel Genolia

You can find the column cherry laurel as a hedge plant or deciduous tree in well-stocked garden centers, hardware stores and tree nurseries. However, if you prefer to order the evergreen shrub from home, you will find a few here Sources of supply for the cherry laurel.

tip: If you want to create optimal conditions for your cherry laurel, use a high-quality, peat-free organic soil like ours for planting Plantura organic universal soil.

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