Plants for the garden

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It is important that something blooms in every season, even in winter. Evergreen plants and woody plants provide splashes of color in the garden even in the very dreary season.
Most gardens have at least one tree and several trees, mostly shrubs. The choice is huge. But you always have to consider the size of the garden. So-called house trees are popular for small gardens. B. Columnar mapleHornbeam, Tulip magnolia or arboreal elm.
There are also many different, purely ornamental shrubs, fruit shrubs, bird protection trees and many more. One pays attention to the selection again

that you have something green or blooming for every season of the year.
Flower perennials and bulbs or bulbs are also important. Tubers. Above all are the spring bloomers like snowdrops, Tulips, Daffodils, Crocuses, Anemones, imperial crowns and many more. But also those that only come to full bloom in late summer Dahlias belong in this group. In the case of perennials, coneflowers, upholstered phloxes, Levkojen, poppies, daylilies,
Peonies, Irises, sun bride, delphinium and many more.
No garden should be without roses. They are suitable for beds, for keeping in pots, they look good in groups but also in individual positions. There are dwarf, ground cover, climbing, rambler, noble, bed, stem, half-stem, and weeping roses and much more. They like it sunny and warm and need some maintenance. However, they delight us all summer long with their beautiful flowers.
Plants can not only be placed in beds, many of them also do well in pots and other planters. Typical Balcony plants also look good in the garden and bring color and versatility.
In spring, the early blooming onion plants are convincing in the garden. Then there are the fruit trees and bushes in bloom. In addition, plants like Forsythe, some species of gorse and magnolias are a real feast for the eyes when they are in full bloom. In addition to onion flowers, pansies, red dead nettle, larch spur, pasque flower, liverwort and primrose grow in the beds.
In summer most trees are through. Now is the time for flowering perennials such as delphinium, sunbeam, splendor fissure, phlox, coneflower, maiden's eye, hollyhock and Cockade flower. Many grasses and heather species are also in bloom now. Most of the roses are now in full bloom and create a sea of ​​colors. The trees are now blooming hibiscus, Hydrangeas, dwarf fragrant lilacs, butterfly lilacs and many more. Some bushes and trees are already bearing fruit, mainly berries, but also plums, cherries and apples.
In autumn the fruits ripen on many trees and bushes. In the perennials, asters predominate, Chrysanthemums, Dahlias, Coneflowers and Fette Henne, but also roses are still in bloom. Many grasses show great colors in autumn. Hydrangeas, clematis, pelargoniums and others please us until frost. Heather and heather varieties add color to the gardens.
In winter, for example, the winter snowball, the witch hazel, the honeyberry, the winterling, Christmas roses and other.

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