Garden trends 2022: The top 10

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We present the top 10 garden trends for 2022 and show what will happen in the new gardening season is popular - from beneficial insects as pest control to digital helpers to Soil health.

Growing vegetables on a roof
One of our garden trends in 2022 is the greening of cities [Photo: YuRi Photolife /]

A new gardening season always brings with it exciting new trends. In 2022, among other things, it will be about more sustainability by saving waste and avoiding peat or synthetic fertilizers. But also the greening of cities and the use of digital tools for gardening are in trend in 2022.


  • 1. Plant native medicinal herbs
  • 2. Make cities greener
  • 3. Beneficial insects for pest control
  • 4. Use digital helpers
  • 5. Store fruits and vegetables properly to avoid rubbish
  • 6. Create an indoor jungle
  • 7. Avoid peat and mineral fertilizers
  • 8. Sow yourself instead of buying plants
  • 9. Promote soil health
  • 10. Support garden animals

1. Plant native medicinal herbs

Planting local medicinal herbs is not difficult and can also be done well on the balcony. By cultivating the plants in your own garden, you can take advantage of the healing and health-promoting effects of these herbs at any time. Well-known and popular types are for example the

peppermint (Mentha x piperita), the Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), the Marigold (Calendula officinalis), the Real chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and the Real St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum). Most medicinal herbs are ideal for brewing a tea, which allows them to develop their effects. In order to benefit from them even in the cold season, they can be hung up as bundles to dry. Incidentally, if you have a garden, you can use the medicinal herbs to create a beautiful one Herb spiral invest.

Harvested herbs
Herbs are easy to store when dry [Photo: natalia bulatova /]

2. Make cities greener

The popularity of urban gardening continues to grow. This is understood to mean gardening in small-scale, urban areas or on your own balcony. With this trend, you can make a positive contribution to the urban climate and biodiversity in various ways. One way to beautify the city is by planting Street beds with insect-friendly flowers. On your own balcony you can also grow all kinds of plants that are attractive to insects in pots and window boxes, such as herbs, Strawberries (Fragaria), salad and Balcony tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). In order to use the limited space particularly effectively, a vertical garden is ideal. Pot towers, hanging plant bags, hanging baskets or converted Euro pallets are used for this purpose. If you don't have a balcony, ask the city about community gardens - because such projects not only promote the greening of urban space but also the cohesion of the Community.

Planted roadside
Diversely planted street beds are visually real eye-catchers [Photo: Beekeepx /]

3. Beneficial insects for pest control

It is nothing new that beneficial organisms such as bees also suffer from the use of certain pesticides because they ingest the insecticides through the nectar, for example. An effective and sensible alternative is the biological one Pest control with beneficial insects. None of the parties involved - regardless of whether they are humans, animals or plants - are harmed. In addition, you do not have to worry about possible residues of toxic pesticides when you eat the vegetables later. The larvae of the Ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata) or the ladybug itself. The use of helps against fungus gnats Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae), which are applied via the irrigation water. To attract a few of these beneficial insects to your garden, it is a good idea to have a Insect hotel to set up. This offers the little helpers shelter and living space.

Insect hotel made of wood
Insect hotels are very easy to make yourself and they also look nice [Photo: Halfpoint /]

4. Use digital helpers

For hobby gardeners and also in the professional sector, better and better developed technology is available that supports the cultivation. For example, cultivation planning can be carried out very practically using programs or apps. Even applications that help identify plants just keep getting better. Our free Plantura app Turns your cell phone into a plant scanner in seconds, with which you can identify unknown crops. In addition, our app has many other exciting functions and new inspiration every day. In the application, for example, reminders of the to-dos of your gardening routine can be set. In addition, you can always be inspired by our articles - all free of charge and always at hand.

Plantura app
With our Plantura app, relevant gardening work is always at hand

5. Store fruits and vegetables properly to avoid rubbish

Why should one study the storage of fruits and vegetables in more detail? Because around twelve million tons of food are thrown away in Germany every year. Around two thirds of these losses occur in private households and around half consists of fresh fruit and vegetables. Incorrect storage of the products is one of the reasons - but correct storage is not that difficult.

Basket of fresh vegetables
Proper storage will keep your fruits and vegetables fresh for a long time [Photo: Cherries /]

Carrots, for example, need a high level of humidity, but at the same time they rot if the environment is too humid. For an optimal storage climate, it is best to place your carrots in a closed plastic box with a kitchen towel or towel under the carrots, which soaks up excess water. You can simply store apples loose in the refrigerator, but be careful: Always keep them away from other fruit and vegetables Vegetables, as apples produce the ripening hormone ethylene, which other fruits and vegetables produce faster lets age. Radishes really only have one requirement: that you remove the green leaves from the radishes before storing them. But even that doesn't have to go to the trash, but can be processed into a delicious pesto, for example.

6. Create an indoor jungle

Another big garden trend for 2022 is indoor jungles. You don't have to limit yourself to simple houseplants, you can use real exotic plants like Carnivores, Palms or Banana plants cultivate. However, note the special needs of all crops. If necessary, you can also create a plant terrarium to do justice to the exotic species. The Kokedama is a very special method of planting. Translated, this means "moss ball" and describes a Japanese technique in which a ball is formed from moist substrate and clay powder, which surrounds the roots of a houseplant. This is then wrapped with living moss and fixed with wire - the Kokedama is ready. A guide for a homemade one Kokedama see this article.

Room with a lot of plants
The plants create a special atmosphere in the room [Photo: brizmaker /]

7. Avoid peat and mineral fertilizers

If you want to garden with a clear conscience, you should consider a few points when choosing soil and fertilizers. In particular, the choice of peat-free or peat-reduced substrates can cause large amounts of CO2 save on. Because the bogs, which are destroyed when peat is extracted, are valuable CO2-Memory and therefore absolutely worth protecting. Fortunately, there are alternative materials such as coconut pulp, wood fiber, or compost for gardening needs. Also ours Plantura organic soil are of course peat-free or peat-reduced and thus save up to 60% CO2 a compared to conventional soils.

Organic fertilizer
There is now a large selection of organic fertilizers [Photo: Singkham /]

When buying fertilizer, it pays to focus on primarily organic products. In contrast to mineral-synthetic fertilizers such as blue corn, these promote the build-up of humus and an active and diverse soil life. In addition, an overdose of organic fertilizers is hardly possible. With the fast-acting artificial fertilizers, on the other hand, excess nutrients can be washed out into the groundwater and an overdose is also harmful to the plants themselves. Our Plantura organic fertilizer are therefore all primarily organic or purely organic and also approved for organic farming.

8. Sow yourself instead of buying plants

Growing your own young plants takes more time than buying the finished plants. However, it is an incomparable experience to see the plants grow from the seed to the harvest. You can also choose in which soil and with which fertilizer the seedlings are cultivated. Growing your own plants is even feasible for those new to gardening. Then ours are particularly suitable Plantura growing setscontaining all the necessary utensils and detailed instructions in one package. The free video courses included make sowing and growing the plants particularly easy for beginners.

If you would like to sow something new every month all year round, this is ours Plantura implantable calendar 2022 just the thing. Every month a paper with organic seeds is enclosed, which can be planted according to the given instructions.

Sowing vegetables
Sowing and cultivating vegetables yourself can be a real sense of achievement [Photo: Lordn /]

9. Promote soil health

If you want to cultivate healthy plants in your garden, you need healthy garden soil. Our garden trend number 9 is all about soil health and humus content. But what can hobby gardeners do to ensure that their soil becomes rich in humus and fertile and that it stays that way over the long term? On the one hand, a so-called Humus economy operated - this increases the humus content in the garden with targeted measures. If you don't have the time and leisure for this, you can help with a soil activator. Our animal-free Plantura organic soil activator is a fertilizer that promotes the soil quality in your garden effectively and with live mycorrhizal fungi. In this way you improve the humus content and the health of the soil - without having to operate a complex humus management.

A handful of earth
Healthy soil is the basic requirement for a rich harvest [Photo: A3pfamily /]

10. Support garden animals

It is not only worth supporting garden animals in terms of environmental protection. For example, if there are numerous insects in the garden, they can increase the fertilization rate of the crops or drive away unwanted pests. Anyone who creates a beneficial meadow in the garden supports bees, butterflies and the like with plenty of food and valuable living space. For example, ours are suitable for this Plantura insect-friendly seed mixes excellent that can even be sown on the balcony.

Wild birds are also regular visitors to local gardens and sometimes feel right at home there. With just a few tricks you can transform your garden into a rich habitat for the small, colorfully feathered animals and thereby support the wild bird population.

Flower meadow for bees
A bee pasture is not only useful, but also a beautiful sight [Photo: nnattalli /]

By offering bird-friendly plants, nesting boxes or a watering hole, you can attract numerous garden birds and give them a home. Insectivorous species such as the House martin or the Blackcap also benefit from a lively and insect-friendly garden. Seed-eating birds like goldfinch or Greenfinch can be supported with additional bird seed. Our Plantura all year round feed For example, it has been specially developed for year-round feeding and offers a large number of garden birds a balanced and high-energy diet.

Finally, we wish you a happy new gardening year and we are already excited to see how our 10 garden trends for 2022 will prevail in our readers' gardens.

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