Repot indoor plants: timing & instructions

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Indoor plants bring nature into our homes and with the right care you can enjoy them for a long time. Among other things, regular repotting of indoor plants is important.

Houseplant is repotted
Plants should be repotted occasionally to keep growth from stalling [Photo: Bogdan Sonyachnyj/]

Repotting indoor plants is not that difficult. If you follow a few important tips, the green darlings will quickly sprout again and growth will be stimulated. Here we show you how to repot and when it's time to change the pot.


  • When should you repot indoor plants?
  • Which soil is suitable for repotting indoor plants?
  • How big should the new pot be?
  • Instructions: Repot indoor plants properly
  • Care after repotting

When should you repot indoor plants?

The best time to repot is in the spring between February and April. Then the growth period begins and your indoor plants can immediately take root in the new substrate and sprout again. Before winter, it is also possible to repot indoor plants. In special cases, for example if there is a pest infestation, it can also be repotted at a different time of the year.

Important signs that it's time to repot:

  • When the roots of the plant are already lifting out of the pot or growing out of the drainage hole at the bottom.
  • When white limescale and salt deposits bloom on the substrate surface.
  • When the soil collapses and irrigation water simply rolls off the root ball, making it difficult to wet it.
  • When plant growth is inhibited or deficiency symptoms occur.
Roots of a houseplant
Time for a bigger pot here [Photo: Andrii Spy_k/]
  • If there is a pest infestation - especially pests in the substrate such as fungus gnats, but also nuisances like springtailsthat can multiply uncontrollably.
  • Newly purchased plants should always be repotted soon, as they are often sold in pots that are too small and soil that only lasts for a short time.
  • If the plant has formed many offshoots that can develop better with a little space and should therefore be isolated.

tip: Caution is advised, especially with plants that are sensitive to disturbance, such as citrus plants or the fiddle fig. Since these plants are stressed when repotted, they should only be repotted infrequently. Even slow-growing plants such as cacti and other succulents rarely need a new pot.

Which soil is suitable for repotting indoor plants?

If you are wondering which soil is suitable when repotting indoor plants, this of course depends primarily on the plant itself. We give you a brief overview of which substrate is suitable for which plant group:

Succulent is repotted
Gloves are recommended for poisonous or prickly plants [Photo: Lipatova Maryna/]

Universal Earth:
A universal soil can be used for all indoor plants that do not make any special demands on their substrate. For example, universal soil is suitable for elephant ear, lychee tree, sweetheart flower, flamingo flower and window leaf, A leaf, porcelain flower, basket maranthe or Climbing philodendron.
A high-quality and environmentally friendly soil for your plants is provided by ours, for example Plantura organic universal soil represent. Their pH in the range of 6.1 to 6.9 is suitable for many indoor plants. It naturally contains all the important nutrients that plants need for a good start to growth.

Tip: Universal soil also usually forms the basis for substrate mixtures that you can make for houseplants with more specific requirements, such as cactus soil.

potting soil: A potting soil is usually like for flowering plants cyclamen, hyacinths, the crown of glory, the blood flower, Bottlebrush, geraniums or hibiscus suitable. So if you have indoor plants that develop a special bloom and not only shine with green foliage, it is best to use potting soil. Here, too, are high-quality substrates, such as ours Plantura organic potting soil, recommended. Potting soil usually contains a little more phosphate than the universal soil and thus particularly promotes the flowering of the plants.

Succulent and cactus soil: Succulents and cacti like aloe vera or Haworthia require a substrate that is well-draining and well-drained to prevent waterlogging. You can easily mix such a substrate yourself. The basis for this is universal soil, which should make up half of the mixture. There is also about 20% quartz sand. The rest is a mixture of pumice and broken expanded clay. This mixture is also ideal for cacti.

palm soil: palm trees like golden fruit palm or kentia palm also need a slightly more permeable substrate. Of course there are many different types of palm trees from different regions, which in turn have their own requirements. In principle, however, about a third of quartz sand should be mixed into the universal earth for better permeability. Also, because palms love a slightly lower pH, it's a good idea to add some acidic soil.

repot plants
The fresh substrate should be of high quality and adapted to the needs of the plant [Photo: Kateryna Slavska/]

herbal soil: For Mediterranean kitchen herbs on the balcony and windowsill, it is best to use special herbal soil. rosemary, thyme, lavender, savory and marjoram repent of well-drained, nutrient-poor soils and taste more aromatic when grown in it. A sustainable soil for your Mediterranean kitchen herbs is ours, for example Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil, which does not require peat and thus CO2- is reduced produced.

Tip: Basil, parsley, chives, dill, mint, lovage and wild garlic require one nutrient-rich substrate - you will find what you need for healthy in a rich universal soil need growth. Some plants, such as orchids or carnivores, need a very special substrate that is not so easy to mix yourself. The best thing to do here is to use a special soil that is precisely tailored to the needs of these plant groups. In our articles you can find out about the substrate requirements of a wide variety of indoor plants.

How big should the new pot be?

If there is still space between the root ball and the old pot, but there are other reasons for repotting, a larger pot is not necessary, just fresh substrate. If the pot is fully rooted, the new pot should be a maximum of three sizes larger than the old one. Ideally, there is about 3 cm of space between the root ball and the edge of the new pot.

The Bonsai repotting is a special case, since these should often remain small. After a root cut, they are then simply planted in their old pot or in a container that is only slightly larger.

Tip: If the new pot is too big, the plant will have less support and there will be a lot of moist substrate around the roots, making root rot more likely.

Grow rosemary
Repotting can also be used to propagate the plant [Photo: Nadiia Iatsun/]

Instructions: Repot indoor plants properly

Here is a brief step-by-step guide on how to properly repot your houseplants:

  1. If it's a poisonous or prickly houseplant, be sure to put on gloves before repotting. To repot large indoor plants, you can carefully lay the plant on its side. Then repotting will be easier.
  2. First, check if the plant needs a larger pot. To do this, carefully lift the plant out of the container and assess the root ball.
  3. Prepare the new pot by placing a layer of potsherds, pebbles, or expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. This way the water can drain off better.
    tip: If you put a fleece between the substrate and the drainage layer, everything stays cleanly separated and you can reuse the drainage material.
  4. Put a layer of substrate in the pot. At this point, a granular fertilizer can also be mixed in, which provides the plant with nutrients in the long term.
  5. Lift the plant out of its container and remove as much of the old soil from the root ball as possible. You can also gently fluff up the roots with your fingers and cut off rotten roots. If the drainage hole is so heavily rooted that the plant can no longer be removed, it is best to cut open the pot with scissors.
  6. Place the plant in the new pot and fill in the edges with soil. Leave about 3 cm space to the edge of the pot so that the pot does not overflow when watering.
  7. Now you can gently tap the pot on the table a few times so that the soil is distributed in the gaps. Then gently press the substrate.
  8. Finally, you should water the soil so that the substrate is nice and moist.
  9. Cover the substrate surface with a layer of mulch to mold growth on earth to avoid and to prevent a fungus gnat infestation.
Instructions for repotting plants
How to properly repot indoor plants [Photo: Olya Haifisch/]

Tip: Some plants can also be divided when repotting: To do this, carefully separate the plant at the root ball and then plant the two parts in two separate pots.

Care after repotting

Here's what to consider after repotting: Have one due to an infestation or root rot If part of the roots are removed when repotting, the above-ground parts of the plant should also be cut back slightly will. Otherwise it can happen that the roots cannot provide enough water for the plants.
It is best not to place the plant in direct sunlight after repotting to avoid drought stress.

The fresh soil provides the houseplant with the necessary nutrients after repotting. Therefore, in the first two months it is only necessary to water regularly so that the root ball does not dry out. About eight months after repotting, you can then add some fertilizer to the substrate again. Depending on the plant group, the nutrient requirements differ:

different indoor plants
Each plant has its own fertilizer needs [Photo: Followtheflow/]

green plant fertilizer: Plants that stand out mainly because of their leaf decoration need green plant fertilizer that strengthens leaves and roots. Ours, for example, meets these requirements Plantura organic indoor & green plant fertilizerright In addition to the important nutrient elements nitrogen and potassium, the microorganisms contained also support the growth of your plant. This fertilizer is suitable, for example, for the monstera or anthurium.

flowering plant fertilizer: Plants that form flowers, such as geraniums and amaryllis, require a different nutrient composition than green plants. Our Plantura organic flower & balcony plant fertilizer is particularly suitable for flowers, among other things, and is 100% organic. And that benefits both your plants and the environment.

Mediterranean fertilizer: Mediterranean plants or citrus plants need a different combination of nutrients and often a lot of potassium and iron for the development of their fruit. In special Mediterranean fertilizers, such as ours Plantura Organic Citrus & Mediterranean Fertilizer, these nutrients are contained in sufficient quantities. Our fertilizer also contains microorganisms that support and sustainably stimulate vigorous root growth. It is suitable for all citrus plants, for example lemon trees, but also olive trees.

freshly potted houseplants
After repotting, the plants initially do not tolerate full sun [Photo: pundapanda/]

How often and how much you need to fertilize and water depends entirely on the plant. In our special articles we give you some helpful tips on how to Fertilize indoor plants and what to do when Watering indoor plants should note.

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